Knowing as I do that your exams are iminent I thought it prudent to released from any obligation to see me during the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend. Truthfully I would be appalled if you were so much as considering a jaunt to the village when everything rests upon your results as, I need hardly remind you, anything other than the very best will not justify the continuation of your education.
I apologise if this seems unnecessarily harsh Blythe but you know our circumstances and I simply cannot afford to coddle you any longer. You must be diligent in your studies and with discipline and God's will you shall succeed.
How timely your letter was, for I was just preparing to send my apologies to you when I received it. You are quite right that it is most prudent that I remain at the castle and dedicated to my studies during the next Hogsmeade week-end; much though I wish I could take the opportunity to attend church, I do not honour God if I am undisciplined, and I should feel quite the hypocrite if I did.
As always, your words of wisdom are understood and well-received, and I thank you for taking the time from your work to think to my future.