April 15th, 1888Mr. R. Crouch,
I trust this finds you well.
I'm writing you to make you aware of some recent articles that have been circulating pertaining predominantly to you and my daughter, Annabelle Scrimgeour.
Whilst I certainly appreciate your giving my... daughter due time, it would be most prudent were you to allow her space or we ought to become further acquainted, though I trust that would not be necessary.
I await a response.
Yours in regard,
Mr. A. C. Scrimgeour
RE: So I hear you and my daughter... - Reuben Crouch - April 8, 2018
April 16th
Thank you for your diligence in bringing the article to my attention. Rest assured, however, that you were not the first of my acquaintance to do so, and the contents of the article were entirely fictitious (as, I believe, is fairly standard for the magazine in question). My acquaintance with your daughter goes no deeper than my acquaintance with any young lady of good breeding whose path occasionally crosses mine at social events, and I have no intention of making it anything more; nor, indeed, have I ever have any intention of doing so.
I expect the rumor-mongers will find themselves a new target in due time, but in the interim I am profoundly sorry that they have impacted your daughter. Please know that (at least from my perspective, and in matters concerning me) she is entirely faultless and her behavior has never been anything less than impeccable.
Sincerest Respects,
Reuben Crouch
RE: So I hear you and my daughter... - Argus Scrimgeour - April 8, 2018
April 17th, 1888Mr. R. Crouch,
Thank you for your timely response. I can give my respect to someone who writes me promptly and in the required tone.
Be assured I have spoken with my daughter and you need not explain your actions or otherwise and I am aware of your cohorts.
Be well, Mr. Crouch.
Yours kindly,
Mr. A. C. Scrimgeour