Ladies Duel: Mrs. A. Selwyn vs. Mrs. L. Rose - Printable Version

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Ladies Duel: Mrs. A. Selwyn vs. Mrs. L. Rose - Justin Ross - February 14, 2021

March 6th, 1891 — HMB
Ross didn't know either Mrs. Selwyn or Mrs. Rose well enough to wager on who would win this - which is to say, he didn't know Mrs. Rose at all and only knew Mrs. Selwyn through her husband. Trystan Selwyn had been an auror, which may make his wife more likely to win - but who knew, really.

He reviewed the rules, briefly. "Mrs. Selwyn, you may begin," Ross announced.

Ambrosia Selwyn | Enoch Rosier
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RE: Ladies Duel: Mrs. A. Selwyn vs. Mrs. L. Rose - Ambrosia Selwyn - February 14, 2021

Ambrosia raised an eyebrow at the woman she had been paired with and wondered whether anyone would really expect her to incline her head. Admittedly the modiste had a certain talent for creativity that Ambrosia admired but she was still a member of the trading class - it would be positively indecorous to give her anything beyond a short nod.

Feeling she had adequately warned the other woman that she was preparing to cast Ambrosia flicked her wand to turn the other woman into a frog.

RE: Ladies Duel: Mrs. A. Selwyn vs. Mrs. L. Rose - Lavinia Rose - February 14, 2021

Though Lavinia had had little hesitation in signing up, with the day of the duels actually upon her, the modiste had taken pause. Today, she would risk either her pride or potential future business, should an opponent take offence—neither something she felt inclined to lose.

She had donned a sapphire blue and rather deceptive skirts for the occasion—though they might have fooled the eye if she did not move overmuch, they were, in truth, rather billowy pants, a nod to the athleticism of the occasion. As her opponent seemed altogether disinclined to observe the niceties of civilized sport, Lavinia inclined her head only a fraction in return.

Her counter was to, if successful, transfigure the tiles of the floor between the women into a marble tree that would block any incoming spells. It was flashy, but required impeccable timing, and Lavinia knew she was rusty.
Justin Ross/Cassius Lestrange

RE: Ladies Duel: Mrs. A. Selwyn vs. Mrs. L. Rose - Justin Ross - February 15, 2021

Mrs. Rose's counter hit the floor a second too late, and while Ross was impressed by the marble tree, there was little else to be said when Mrs. Selwyn had successfully transfigured the modiste into a frog.

Ross cast an untransfiguration spell and vanished the tree. "The first point to Mrs. Selwyn," he said. "Mrs. Rose will begin the next round."

Lavinia Rose | Aldous Crouch
A: 9, L: 6

RE: Ladies Duel: Mrs. A. Selwyn vs. Mrs. L. Rose - Lavinia Rose - February 15, 2021

When one was accustomed to changing her form at will, having it forced instead was...disquieting. Even after the transfiguration had been put to rights, Lavinia still felt quite green (figuratively or literally? She did not know that she cared to find out), and her stomach was positively flipping hither and fro. There would be nothing flashy this round, she knew—Lavinia simply cast a disarming spell.
Ambrosia Selwyn/Elladora Black

RE: Ladies Duel: Mrs. A. Selwyn vs. Mrs. L. Rose - Ambrosia Selwyn - February 15, 2021

Her skill in transfiguration not being quite so useful when it came to a defensive position Ambrosia instead opted to cast a knockback jinx in the hope that the other woman's aim would be disrupted.

RE: Ladies Duel: Mrs. A. Selwyn vs. Mrs. L. Rose - Justin Ross - February 15, 2021

Mrs. Selwyn's knockback jinx persisted, and Ross announced her the winner of the duel.

L 6, A 8