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+---- Thread: Event Dump: French Club "Language of Love" Event (/showthread.php?tid=7907)
Event Dump: French Club "Language of Love" Event - Charming - February 14, 2021
You can't remark upon what you don't know!
Are YOU attending the French club event on February 14th? Feel free to drop thread links here for the perusal of other guests! Be sure to state whether your thread is open or private, and feel free to provide a little summary for completed threads!
RE: Event Dump: French Club "Language of Love" Event - Clementine Greengrass - February 14, 2021
Clem is spending most of the afternoon in Hermia's company as per this thread (private)
RE: Event Dump: French Club "Language of Love" Event - Addison Chatham - February 15, 2021
Addison Chatham will be there absolutely butchering both French and Etiquette, feel free to mention in your threads some mistake or other that he's made.
RE: Event Dump: French Club "Language of Love" Event - Ginevra Blackwood - February 15, 2021