Event Dump: An Evening of Amusement - Printable Version

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Event Dump: An Evening of Amusement - Charming - February 14, 2021

You can't remark upon what you don't know!

Are YOU attending an evening of amusement on February 6th? Feel free to drop thread links here for the perusal of other guests! Be sure to state whether your thread is open or private, and feel free to provide a little summary for completed threads!

RE: Event Dump: An Evening of Amusement - Ophelia Devine - February 14, 2021

Ellory, with very little encouragement from Ophelia, rags on Antigone (Marked open; feel free to join or to overhear!)

Nova, a little drunk, asks Ophelia for matchmaking help (Marked private; feel free to overhear!)

RE: Event Dump: An Evening of Amusement - Harriet Prewett - February 14, 2021

Harriet hustled the bridge table and may have been spotted talking to a handsome servant.

RE: Event Dump: An Evening of Amusement - Hermione Longbottom - February 14, 2021

Hermione is there as well as of right now she has no threads, hit me up if you'd like one.

RE: Event Dump: An Evening of Amusement - Bianca Warrington - February 21, 2021

Bianca is drinking her feelings and hating her marriage. Someone should join her. Open.