Counting on You - Printable Version

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Counting on You - Billie Farrow - February 5, 2021

Quincey Honeyduke

January 29th, 1891

Plese take care of Gideon and tell me write away if he gets worse. And then tell me the sekrit pasujez to get out of Hogwarts. OK?

Make sure he is not lonle.

Your his best frend. I'm cownting on you.


Your friend,


P.S. I hope you are OK. Sory I aynt writen much. School is hard.

RE: Counting on You - Quincey Honeyduke - February 5, 2021

January 30th, 1891


I promise that I will be visiting Gideon as often as I can during his hospital stay. There isn't much I can do for him at this time, but I do visit.

You stay where you are and worry about school, I'll worry about Gideon.

I attached some chocolate frogs, eat one, you'll feel better.