Cadawalader Selwyn - January 25, 2021
Seeking a natal and marital family, but a played natal family is the priority -cousins/aunts welcome!
This is Emma _______, she was never considered beautiful and was resigned to the scrap heap of spinsterhood, so when she married a handsome,
much younger man (mid to late 20's) when well into her late 30's/early 40's (flex dependant on family) everyone was incredibly surprised!
She is a gossip writer for witch weekly - this could be public, or private under a pseudonym
She has a child (her husbands), and a ward (from her pre-marraige days) the child of a friend who died.
She was a former Ravenclaw
Walter Brownhill - January 25, 2021
I left Walt's family fairly open; he has sisters both older and younger and you're welcome to either if you like. That would mean she is either MC or was raised MC and jumped up a class through marriage (and so has an accompanying rep ding), but let me know if you'd like any other details!
Adrestia Dantés - January 27, 2021
Reuben Crouch
A sister who unexpectedly married up would be kinda great. I'm open for her reputation to be dinged for marital as well as general eccentricity. she would need to be UC just to give her full access to the best gossip.
She would be younger than 48 (Paul Rudd being 51 IRL hurts my soul - the man is ageless) - I think she is probably 45ish, but was 37ish when she got married to a younger, possibly foreign man.
Where there things that you had as DEFINITES for the family?
Reuben Crouch - January 27, 2021
Yep! Here's the gist: Dad is muggleborn, potioneer/herbologist/botanist type by trade; he travels around a lot looking for strange plants and writes books about them and is fairly well known as an author. Family is large, boisterous, happy. That's basically it. ^^ I'd prefer to leave siblings vague if possible so I can potentially make similar offers to other characters in the future.
Adrestia Dantés - January 27, 2021
perfect! works for me! I'll send you the profile for a view before I post it - just to make sure there is nothing clashing but it seems simple enough. She's big, boisterous happy so seems like she would fit right in.
Is there a family naming convention or just going for it.
Reuben Crouch - January 27, 2021
Nah, whatever you want as long as it's not too bizarre. Dad being Muggleborn means we're probably not into ancient Greek witches or anything like that :P