20 October, 1890
There's worse ways to spend the duration of this assignment than by preparing for NEWTs, I suppose. Your roster is a formidable one, one better-suited for a future academic than a debutante. Where do your ambitions lie?
I'm taking Charms, History of Magic, Ancient Studies, Ancient Runes, Herbology, and Divination. Only two in common.
23 October, 1890
Miss Epictetus,
After six years of etiquette classes spent solely with boys, I find the assignment refreshing to say the least. I've never been the type of boy to stick with all-boy friendships. I find it expends my perspective and doubles the pool of potential study partners. I'm sure there are secrets to be kept by both sexes, though, and I wouldn't say I'm all too eager to learn them.
My parents always instilled the value of education into my sisters and I, but I admit I find it difficult to stay focused on one path. I tried to vary my electives in my earlier years, though history has always captivated me (while other classes, namely Divination, only remain because of the friendships I formed). I've always considered going into academia, though in my situation it might be best suite for later down the road. I intend to find my place in the Ministry after Hogwarts, if only to establish connections that will help further my career. Once my sisters are married I hope to explore further options.
I'm not sure the intention of the assignment is to guess our partners, but I'm already beginning to have my suspicions.