Akira Onyx - Printable Version

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Akira Onyx - Bryn - September 2, 2020

Full Name: [Akira Mania Onyx]
Nicknames: [Aki, or her surname Onyx]
Birthdate: [Oct. 13, 1875]
Current Age: [ 14 Years]
Occupation: [None]
Reputation: [4 -- Because of where she lives]
Residence: [Akira lives with her father in the forest of Irvingly]
Hogwarts House: [Gryffindor]
Wand: [Chestnut wood with a phoenix feather core, 12 ¾" and slightly springy flexibility]
Blood Status: [Half]
Social Class: [Working]
Family: [Father - Bryan Orwell Onyx]
Appearance: [Akira is an albino so she has pure white hair, she is 4 foot 4 inches. One pale blue eye and one grey eye. She normally has her hair in a long braid. When she is not wearing her school robes she adorns one of her fathers jackets and some pants.]
History: [1875 - Akira was born to a muggle mother and wizard father.
1880 - Akira turns and Akira's mother found out that they are wizards and leaves them forever. Akira's mother believed them to be monsters.
1881 - Akira and her father move into the forest in Irvingly to get away from their disapproving relatives. Akira always felt more attuned with nature so she was ecstatic to find out that they would be living in a forest! Her father was excited as well so they built a wonderful cabin and they have lived there since.
1884 - She befriends a stray English Water Spaniel and names him Ruin, because she found him in the ruins of an old house not to far from her cabin residence.
1887 - Akira gets her owl from Hogwarts and has been accepted! As she entered her first year she made a friend from Ravenclaw, her name was Vivienne Atwood. They became the best of friends.
1888 - Akira is in her second year of Hogwarts and her father bought her a new broom, the Oakshaft 79! She has been practicing on it at home and has always dreamed of becoming a seeker for Gryffindor. She is amazed by Sloane Bixby! Though she is always too shy to actually talk to her...
1890 - Akira reaches her fourth year in Hogwarts!]
Personality: [Timid, caring, can be protective, emotional but tries to hide it. She will put up a fight for something she believes in.]
Other: [She has a pet English Water Spaniel named Ruin.]
Sample Roleplay Post: [Akira was so excited to tell her father that she had heard what the dogs were saying! She dashed down the stairs only to see her parents fighting yet again. Her mother turned to her and said, "You! You are no child of mine! You monster!" Her mother turned back to her father as he tried to calm her down. Akira was shocked, "A... A monster?" Tears started rolling down her face as she mumbled, "But momma.. I love you..." Her mother looked appalled. She slapped Akira across her face not realizing she scratched her. Akira put her hand to where her mother had slapped her. She pulled her hand away and traces of blood remained. She started sobbing as her mother yelled something Akira never thought she would hear her mother say, "I'm leaving. I do not want to associate with monsters anymore! Goodbye Mr. Onyx." Akira cried knowing that this would be the last time she would ever see her mother.]
Name: [Bryn]
Age: [Teen]
Contact: []
Other Characters: [None]
How did you hear about us?: [Anise Kim]