1st September, 1890
Everyone,Oberon and I 'ave
setlled settled in fine and so has Jackdaw - I'll let Jackdaw tell you his own house at least but I don't think he wrote you yet but now you know he is fine. To get to the castle we rode in magic boats. No one hadta row!
When we got ta the castle they put us in houses with a talking hat. Seems a silly way to me but they are stuffy. But the hat asked me questions but it asked me them in my mind. I think it read my mind to. Oh, the hat also sings. It is
wierd weird. But it put me in Slytherin. Our animal is a snake. I think it has somethin to do with ambetion so it sounds rite.
We live down in the dungon and look out in ta lake. I saw a really big squid. I share a room with other girls in my house and year. One of 'em is a bit of a prissy. She wanted another house and acts like it is the end of the world. I think she is bein silly.
Classes start tomorrow. I will write more then.
Oh, If Jackdaw doesn't write tell me, I'll set 'em straight.