Hogwarts Boating - Printable Version

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Hogwarts Boating - Annie Moneypenny - August 31, 2020

First Year Boating

Where there is Hogwarts-related stuff, Bree will inevitably get involved in it.

SO BOATS. Every first year rides in one to the castle, and it's an excellent way to make friends (or enemies!) before the sorting ceremony forever divides them into separate houses and separate mindsets.

There are four boats to choose from! Choose wisely!

- James Fletcher
- Bertie Diggory
- Yuri Podsnapper
- Mateo Zavala

- Annie Moneypenny
- Phoenix Wright
- Greta Gillenwater
- Andy Vainart

- Billie Farrow
- Anne Moony
- Linnet Umbernauld
- Dorothea Birdwhistle

BOAT #4 (No thread!)
- Crispin Picardy

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Billie Farrow - August 31, 2020

Boat 3 for Billie, please!

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Elias Grimstone - August 31, 2020

Will go for #1 for Jimmy please in order to meet some new people!

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Aldous Crouch - August 31, 2020

I do not have time to boat thread. If there are other people in the same boat (hehe) they can party with Crispin Picardy!

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Acacia Darlington - August 31, 2020

Bertie Diggory for boat one, please.

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Chrysanta Ruskin {Ocean} - September 1, 2020

Phoenix Wright for boat 2 :-)

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Greta Gillenwater - September 1, 2020

I'll stop waiting for the boats to fill up #procrastination at its finest

Put Greta is boat 2.

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Madeleine Backus - September 1, 2020

Boat 1 for Yuri Podsnapper

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Hermia Bonaccord - September 1, 2020

Anne Moony for boat 3

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Calla Potts - September 1, 2020

Linnet Umbernauld for boat 3?

RE: Hogwarts Boating - James Fletcher - September 2, 2020

Thread for boat 1!

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Billie Farrow - September 2, 2020

Boat 3 thread in case someone pops in that last slot.

Thanks for the reminder, MJ <3

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Dorothea Birdwhistle - September 3, 2020

Taking that last boat 3 slot with Thea, if that's okay?

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Andy Vainart - September 3, 2020

Hey! Put Andy in boat 2 bc he likes girls better

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Mateo Zavala - September 7, 2020

Taking the last boat one slot with Mateo!

RE: Hogwarts Boating - Andy Vainart - September 9, 2020

I didn't see a thread for group 2, so I went ahead and started one!