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The letter has obviously been restarted several times. Anne ran out of parchment sometime in the night.
July 30, 1890
Dear Mr. Grimstone,
My name is Anne Moony. I'm I am 11 eleven. I would like to work in your store until Hogwarts and over breaks please. My brother Ned is my best friend and he is the best big brother. He is a prefect now and in Quidditch Club. He takes me flaying flying so I can try out at school. (I am good now, but he is better, but he's older). I want to get him a new broom to say thank you and so he can be the fastest at school, even if he can fly faster than me (that's alright because he will still let me win if I want). I do not want our mum to spend too much money because she works hard and I can help now that I'm not little anymore. I clean fast and like sorting things. I can also lift things and like helping people. Can I have work please?
Thank you very much.
Love Sincerely,
P.S. Please do not tell my brother if you know him.
Thank you very much for your letter. I am always pleased to hear from people who like flying, and even more so from someone so kind to her older brother!
If you would like - and if you have your mother’s permission to - you are welcome to visit my workshop tomorrow. Then we can see if there are any jobs for you here. (My brother and sister have always thought I am horribly messy and bad at sorting things, so in fact I think you might be a good help.) If you do stop by, we can also have a look at some of the brooms and see what kind your brother might like to fly one day.
Elias Grimstone
P.S. I solemnly swear not to breathe a word to your brother.
RE: I'm Old For My Age - Anne Moony - September 2, 2020
July 31, 1890
Dear Mr. Grimstone,
Thank you for answering my letter. I asked my mum and she said I could come! We will be there just after opening. I look forward to meeting you and hope you sell lots of brooms for the Quidditch World Cup.