July 30th, 1890 Aunt Winnie,
I hope your summer is going well! I know it's irregular for me to write to you when I'm not off at school, but I just couldn't wait until I saw you next. Anne and I both received our Hogwarts letters yesterday, and there was a prefect's badge included in mine. I'm not sure who recommended me for such a position, but I am incredibly pleased. I just hope I don't need to deduct too many points from my friends. They aren't exactly the most dedicated to following the rules.
Anne was delighted to finally receive her letter. She's very eager to purchase her wand and get fitted for her school robes. She's been asking me about a hundred questions a day, so don't be surprised if she has just as many for you next time we see you.
Hope to visit with you soon.
Your Nephew,
Well that is cause for celebration then, isn't it! I'm so proud of you, you must be thrilled! I'm sure the school staff saw your potential, you are very practical and level-headed after all. That's your mother in you, I daresay. Though this is including a rescue from the Black Lake the Prophet tells me? You are a Gryffindor after all.
Anne must be thrilled as well! I remember that first year feeling when everything is fresh and exciting. I look forward to answering 1001 questions when I come round for dinner this week.
Congratulations again, best of luck keeping your friends on track! I'll see you soon!