Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Printable Version

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Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Amelia Evans - July 13, 2020

Charming Trivia "Nights"!

[Image: giphy.gif]

(I stole this template from Kayte >.>) Hallo all, I'm here to announce our July Trivia Nights are here!!! As last time, we are going to have two nights for those who might not be able to participate on the same day. These will be conducted via Zoom. Last time we had three rounds, but this time around because I am indecisive trash, we are having four rounds (but with less questions)! As with last time, we will have #PRIZES for each round.

Same as last time, those who partake can earn some delightful stamps:

What do we have on tap this month?

  • Round One: Harry Potter
  • Round Two: Random Fandom (DA, Hamilton, Shakespeare & Jane Austen)
  • Round Three: Charming Trivia

SUNDAY, JULY 26th — 1pm PST
  • Round One: Harry Potter
  • Round Two: Random Fandom (DA, Hamilton, Shakespeare & Jane Austen)
  • Round Three: Charming Trivia

Please reply to the poll to let me know what night you'll attend—trivia night needs five+ participants to take place! Make sure you have some sort of note-taking method whether it be notes app on your phone/computer (you're on your honor on this one, no cheating ;) ). As last time, these will be Individual this time around.

Any questions or comments please direct them below or hit me up on Discord/Skype!

Zoom links will be PMed to participants roughly 15 minutes before start.

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Cameron Gillenwater - July 13, 2020

Would love to attend Thursdays because I'm only confident with those topics, but I'll be at work! I'll do the 19th though <3

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Meserimus Valenduris - July 13, 2020

I'm only doing sunday cus thursday is too late for me, so if there is help needed making up questions I can offer some since I definitely wont be taking part in the second session.

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Billie Farrow - July 13, 2020

I can definitely attend Sunday's. Thursday I should be able to, but that could potentially change, so maybe don't 100% count me in for it.

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Sisse Thompsett - July 13, 2020

I should be able to do Sunday's. I'd like to do Thursday too but I'm tentative on that since it's about the time I am finally headed to bed after keeping my eyes peeled open since I got home from work. So I honestly wouldnt know till that evening if I could manage it.

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Aldous Crouch - July 13, 2020

I am BROKEN to be missing Downton and Shakespeare but am pumped for the 23rd!

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Hermia Bonaccord - July 14, 2020

Missing Shakespeare is absolutely wrecking me right now. I won't be out of my board meeting in time, but I can do the 23rd.

I TAKE IT BACK! I will be about 10 minutes late, but I should make it. Is it okay to jump in late?

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Amelia Evans - July 14, 2020

Would everyone instead want the same topics each day, just different questions? I would be 100% fine with that!!

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Acacia Darlington - July 14, 2020

(July 14, 2020 – 5:41 PM)Amelia Evans Wrote:  Would everyone instead want the same topics each day, just different questions? I would be 100% fine with that!!

Does that mean double the rounds on each day? Yes please!

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Billie Farrow - July 14, 2020

I'd be up for anything! I just really like Trivia.

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Sisse Thompsett - July 14, 2020

Lol, finn took the words right out of my mouth. Although I think Jane Austen is an amazing category... just saying

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Elsie Kirke - July 14, 2020

I'm on for the 23rd, thought I know Jack about Austen or Hamilton xD

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Amelia Evans - July 19, 2020

You know what they say, one step forward two steps back xD

Unfortunately all, I am unable to host Trivia tomorrow afternoon/evening. Health issues got better after a trip to urgent care, then got worse at around 10pm. We're going back to urgent care in the morning, where hopefully we will be able to get ahead of this.

This trivia session is moving to next Sunday, July 26th. The 23rd session is still on schedule as planned tho!!

Pls let me know if you have any questions, I'm always reachable via Skype or Discord. I'm really sorry all!! <333

RE: Trivia Night, July 19 & 23 2020 - Amelia Evans - July 25, 2020

Thank you to all who participated yesterday!!! Our next Trivia night is....


Our categories are the same as yesterday (different questions)! Harry Potter, Random Fandom (Downton Abbey, Hamilton, Shakespeare & Jane Austen), and Charming General Trivia. Zoom link will be sent out 15 mins beforehand!

please like this post if you are at least 80% sure you will be able to attend! <3