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A Most Masterful Plan - Sweetie Whitledge - July 5, 2020

July 11, 1890 - Padmore Park; Hogwarts Is A Home Charity Drive
If Sweetie was to be dragged to an event, at least it was a charitable one. Her older brother and sister were going about their business. Handsome kept his eye on her, but he didn't really seem to be eavesdropping. It wasn't like she was stupid. She didn't do anything scandalous.

Watching everything happening, debating what to participate in, she couldn't help but overhear a conversation. Quietly, she began listening out of sheer curiosity. Oh, it was an all to familiar arguement. One of marriage and expectations. In one or two years, that would likely be a similar conversation between herself and Handsome. She didn't want to be tied down, though marriage brought the freedom of not needing a chaperone.

That brought along the idea. The most brilliant of ideas. Perhaps done before, but brilliant nonetheless. Glancing at Handsome, he paid her no mind, focused on Cupcake. The woman that had been bickering with the man had left. He seemed calm enough, not one to yell at her constantly. Especially with how the two of them had spoken. She thought she recognized him, though there were so many faces in society that she couldn't be sure. This was it, a chance.

Approaching carefully as to not cause a scene, she walked up to him. "I may have a solution to your problem." She said quietly to make sure only he heard, thanking Merlin that people were so spread out that she did not have to get suspiciously close.

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Aristotle King - July 5, 2020

Aristotle stared into the distance at a rather peculiarly shaped tree while his sister berated him loudly enough for passers by to hear and pondered his life choices.

What mistake had he made in this life, or if the Indians were to be believed, his last one, to deserve Calantha? He had been home for probably a month now and he was already fondly thinking of far off places, or at least far enough away from his the Gryffindor women in his family that they'd stop trying to make him into what they considered a respectable contributor of society.

He thought of Rome. Ah Rome.... Some thought Paris to be the ultimate source of inspiration and creativity but he loved Rome for it's ancient structures that had the timeless beauty that had survived the ravages of time. He wasn't one to usually be inspired by architecture but of all places Rome was the place that brought it out of him and if he got bored of that well, a trip to the Vatican was all that it took to want to paint and create such beauty... and that was only created by muggles! The magical community of Italy took Michealangelo's creativity and the ability to pour magic into their work just was breathtaking. He missed the master artisans there.

He had had to return home for his grandfather's funeral - to miss it he would never have heard the end of it from any of his immediate family and as he liked a certain level of luxury and it did not do to offend them.

What he wouldn't do to be back there....but instead he was here.

In Hogsmeade of all places because his sister had decided to get on board the Charity drive and clear out his apparently disgustingly messy and full of useless items space. Apparently people would want his text books and his something or others for their children and when she'd collected everything that could be donated from their home - more from his than anywhere else as Cadmus was not the clutter bug he was as he apparently found ways to dispose of belongings that he no longer required frequently - they were off to said event.

Aristotle had thought to escape it but apparently he was required as part of her chaperone entourage and he just hadn't been quick enough to say no or figure out her ulterior motive until he was there.

OF course there were women everywhere. Women that Calantha was quick to point out were highly eligible and because of her connections she could introduce him to several. Upperclass women from good families, Middle class too if he found one particularly attractive and they surely wouldn't mind the extra work that he was because they'd be so grateful to move ahead in life by marrying him. And he apparently needed that according to Calantha.

He needed a wife though what he would do with one Aristotle had no exact idea. Why exactly his mother and sister were so set on that fact confused him.

He was only 25. He had his whole life ahead of him and some men didn't even marry.
Confirmed Bachelorism was sounding better and better by the day. He had so much more to do, so much more to see... why would he even - It was at that point of his musings that Calantha stormed off, fedup with him.

He was feeling quite good about it when another woman approached him. He studied her for a moment, fingers already twitching to capture her likeness. He knew it impolite to ask every woman he saw to model for him but his eyes flickered over her features, memorising them for later.

Her eyes were particularly striking - her huge blue contrasting beautifully with her pale skin, her round face..... he blinked focusing on her lips. She'd told him that she had a solution to his problem. What problem could that be?

"Hmmm?" He questioned and realised that that was probably not sufficient.

"My problem?" He asked, with a quirk of an eyebrow. He had a problem now? He was quite sure he had never met this woman in his life. She could have been one of Calantha's friends though if even that was the case he still had no idea what she was talking about. He waited for her to continue, or to least explain what problem of his that she could solve.

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Sweetie Whitledge - July 10, 2020

Was... was he dim? He had just had a whole conversation about his problem with that lady. Though it might be easier if he was dim. No need for someone that would be hurt by pride if she ended up being the smarter of at the two. Nonetheless, she gave a polite smile.

"I'm assuming you would want her to stop badgering you about getting married, yes?" Perhaps this was a mistake. For all Sweetie knew, she could get laughed at and he could simply walk away. It surely would be a disappointment.

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Aristotle King - July 13, 2020

"Ahhhh. That problem." It wasn't as if she was wrong. Calantha badgering him about getting married in public was a problem. She really needed a lesson in discretion or to just shut her mouth about the subject. It wasn't even if it was her primary concern either.

She really should be concerned with herself instead. She was of marriageable age and should be concerned for her own prospects.... unless she was using him as an excuse to go to events where she could meet eligible men as well which he really wouldn't put past her. He had thought however people would've been polite enough not to acknowledge that they could hear her.

"And what solution do you propose?" His curiosity piqued. His sisters continued presence and interest in his life was beginning to wear thin on his patience and any solution was worth hearing.

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Sweetie Whitledge - July 17, 2020

Polite was out of the question. Sweetie was a determined woman and she saw an opportunity. Why pass it up when it could make her life easier? No being dragged to parties by Handsome, no need for a chaperone. If she had something secret she needed to go to when she finally became an unspeakable? Well, this was simply far more convenient. Siblings were hard enough to deal with when it was convenient.

She took one more look, just to make sure there was no one trying to eavesdrop. She didn't need the gossip hounds lurking, and was pretty good at telling when she was being listened to. Satisfied that no one was digging into her business, she looked at him and smiled once more. "We get married. No need for love or other such nonsense. A good standing marriage on paper, and we will both be free of familial nagging on the matter. And I can practice my future career in peace." It did hinge on him not caring that a wife would want a career. Best to have it out in the open now.

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Aristotle King - July 25, 2020

Aristotle couldn't help himself but he stared at her slightly dumbfounded.

She couldn't actually be suggesting it. He had had a solution - it had involved humouring Calantha and his mother and then tactfully ignoring them after his visit home was over. He hadn't quite thought out where he was going next but he knew he wouldn't be around for long. Nothing tied him to the land as of yet.

What she suggested was indeed a tie though since he really couldn't go off by himself if he were to be married. She couldn't be that naive to think that would work. He didn't know her, and she certainly did not know him. There were so many problems with that plan.

He opened his mouth to speak, thought better of what he had been about the say and closed his mouth. He rubbed his lips together as he tried to put his thoughts into words.

"I see."  He said to give himself more time, struggling with the several thoughts that were trying to grab his attention. It wasn't as if she were wrong. He didn't need love in a marriage, though that indeed would've been preferable. He was romantic enough to believe that there would be somebody out there that one day he could fall in love with an be so devoted to that nothing else and nobody else would matter but he had no idea when or where she was and as he got older the expectation for him to get married would only grow greater and there was no way for him to know where or when he find her and if he did he had no way of knowing they'd even need to get married and that he'd even want to be tied to such a restrictive life or title.

A marriage to another would be a good standing on paper however he'd be trading a significant portion of his freedom for it. If he wanted to be married he'd want to marry a woman who'd understand and value his freedom. A mature spinister more like of reputable family with her own life that did not have expectations of love, of him actually being around that he wouldn't feel any obligation to look after.

This woman in front of him, was barely more than a girl. He only called her a woman because she must've graduated and to call her a girl would've been an insult as she wasn't that much younger than he.

But she was. She was young. She couldn't have been graduated and out in the world for more than a year and yet here she was trying to dive into a married life with the romantic idea of trying to marry herself off, get that ticked off an imaginary life list and then get this percieved freedom that she could do whatever she wished she could. She was trying to leapfrog over life.

He knew women who at 25 as debutants had yet to find people to suit them. She was making a huge mistake and he had a horrible feeling that there were less reputable men who he knew of that if she had suggested the very idea would've taken advantage of her naivety, married her for her fertile youth and then not held up their end of the bargain because it wouldn't have mattered.  Finally he collected his thoughts.

"You don't know me" He told her with a scoff. "And I don't know you, or your family. I understand the romantic idea of what you are suggesting but I think you misunderstand. Life isn't that easy. You can't find a random person being told to marry and suggest yourself because you wish to be free of familial nagging and practice whatever career you wish. If whatever you wish to do is so important you'd wish to offer yourself to a complete stranger in order to achieve your goals I suggest you have a long discussion with your family."

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Sweetie Whitledge - July 25, 2020

The problem was, the more he was out of the house, the better. Ignoring his existence almost entirely would be ideal. She had listened carefully, she was no fool. That lady had a big mouth.

"You really are dim to call this suggested arrangement romantic. I'm not offering anything of myself but a name. I have no intention of being your doe-eyed bride." Perhaps this was a mistake, though it meant the all too grim likelihood of being stuck with Handsome as a bored spinster.

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Aristotle King - July 25, 2020

Aristotle bristled. Dim? HIM? DIM? This child! He took a deep breath and tried to steady himself and not cause a scene. That was the last thing either of them needed.

"Me? DIM!" Well, there went that idea. He had obviously failed to calm himself. He brought his voice back to the respectable low tones that they had previously been speaking in hoping he had not attracted any undue attention.

"I meant that the whole idea of putting yourself forward as a bride was romantic. The idea. I don't care if you don't believe romance will be involved or not. It's a happily ever after tied in a bow scenario if I ever heard one. I don't care if you think you are offering anything of yourself but a name but you are naïve to think that is all you are offering." He ended in a hiss.

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Sweetie Whitledge - July 25, 2020

He was damn lucky he had not called her a child to her face. The raising of his tone was enough to earn a dark glare that would give a Gryffindor the shivers.

Glancing back at her brother, he seemed in conversation. Damn, a close one that was. Briefly glancing around further, only few eyes were glancing their way, but not with much interest. Good.

"Yes, dim. That high pitched squealing proved my point nicely." She grumbled as she turned her gaze back towards him. "Awe, do you think I'll throw you parties and actually allow you near my bed chambers? Silly boy, that's not part of by offer. And as this conversation progresses, I'm sure it never will be."

Heirs could be... found. Poor families with too many mouths to feed? Infertility lies? It wasn't as if she was too keen on playing any roll. Perhaps one ball for the year. A big one to make up for the absense of the season. But heirs? Well, he could have all the bastards he pleased.

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Aristotle King - July 25, 2020

Prior to this encounter Aristotle hadn't thought he could get mad. There was obviously something about this girl that brought out the worst in him. He knew people thought of him as absent-minded because when something took his fancy nothing else mattered and he had an image of himself as a friendly creative type. He didn't get angry, and he didn't make enemies. His school life was fairly unremarkable in terms of social interaction. He thought he was friendly enough to keep himself free of such distractions but then there was this... this girl.

He tried to put a name to his frustrations but he couldn't. He did not even know her name and yet here she was talking about marriage and bedchambers. And his voice.

His eyes narrowed and struggled to control himself again.

"I'm going to tell you this nicely, because you appear to be of an age of my younger sister and I will treat you as such. Marriage is a complex issue, even one of convenience. In future be careful to whom you speak about such things or offer such things for that matter. You do not know me and I don't know you. I honestly care less about your bedchambers but you seem to be under the impression that in this case it would be your choice. I am not one, but there are men who once married do not give their wives a choice in such matters because if they are married to them as it would be their right. And Society would back them up. To marry somebody you are literally promising such a thing. If you do not wish to do not get married. "

How had this even happened? He didn't even think of himself as that forward. He wasn't a virgin by any means, and his deeds would probably scandalize his sister if she ever heard of them but at the same time he was very confused about why he was explaining such things to a person he didn't even know the name of. He hoped that Calantha was not so naive. Gosh, the idea of Calantha offering herself to random men that she did not know made him feel strange. Protective.

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Sweetie Whitledge - July 25, 2020

If one were too be entirely honest, one had never bothered to explain that to a high status lady such as Sweetie. Though wouldn't that be true of any husband then? Wasn't that what courting was for....

Oh fuck, of course she forgot to clarify that part. Though it seemed utterly obvious on her end, he was quite dim.

"You truly do think me as a fool then. I'm not asking for you to run away to Gretna Green with me, you idiot. There would be a courtship. Time for me to find out as much as I can about who I am to marry. You'd be surprised what one could learn with connections and determination."

A broken courtship was far better than a broken engagement. Though perhaps not the best for her reputation, it was livable. "And on the other part... well, you underestimate me." She'd figure that out if she had to.

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Aristotle King - July 25, 2020

It wasn't as if he thought of her as a fool.... just incredibly naive in her own power. He had seen it before - he'd gone to school with the girls who had rather famously been known as the Hogwarts Hussies. Women who because of the presence of magic in their lives thought they had had more power in society then they unfortunately had. He knew times were changing but at the end of the day she was a young girl and as such she was just powerless in so many ways. It was the reason chaperonage was so important. Polite society be damned there were many questionable people out there who could take advantage of naiviety.

She was probably a girl who was probably born into a good family who allowed her her own rights and helped her stand by her choices but left her protected but that protection had left her so very, very naive. 

It was somewhat comforting that she had expected a courtship, though it did not change how he thought of her. A courtship involved limited contact and it was quite easy to pretend to be something other than he was at such a time and after they were married it would be too late for her to change her mind without enduring divorce. Additionally she really must think highly of her connections and determination. Did she really think such methods were infallible? His own owl had had trouble keeping track of him when he'd been on the continent and that had been when he'd been making no real effort to hide information about himself.

He'd had lovers, both male and female, whom had gone to extraordinary means to keep their affairs hidden.

He very much doubted such a young girl had the means or determination that such people used let alone the ability to investigate such people if she ever came across any of them. She was naïve. He wanted to take her in hand  and tell her that there were bad people in this world, and even in Hogsmeade, that had gone to significant effort to hide their true identities, and personalities. Perhaps he did underestimate her but he doubted it.

"I wouldn't call you a fool, Miss......." He trailed off, frustrated at his lack of knowledge but instead of leaving the sentence to open for her to introduce herself he continued. "But I do think you are incredibly naive in this matter.  No doubt I would be surprised with what you think you could find using your determination and connections but unless you are particularly skilled in this area I would think that you are  incredibly naïve to believe that that is a complete picture of anybody.  And now I don't know how old you are but I would say you couldn't be more than eighteen - I have female friends who are older than me who have yet to marry and whom are still considered quite eligible. So unless you have a specific reason to marry young I'd suggest not dooming yourself to a, now how did you put it, a good standing marriage on paper, and instead take the actual time to get to know somebody. You may surprise yourself and who knows you may even develop a romantic interest in somebody." He looked at her and couldn't resist adding to quote her.  "Or at least somebody who you would not mind to throw parties for or allow near the bedchamber"

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Sweetie Whitledge - July 25, 2020

Ugh, it would have simply been better if this idiot had thought it a joke and been on his way. Now he was utterly preaching at her.

No, she would certainly not introduce herself. He had not earned it. Not to her. "You fool. Go ahead and keep your damn head in the clouds."

Of course she had a reason. To not be chained to a family who - despite what some of them said - never really wanted her. Handsome sure didn't. She could see it now, being dragged tirelessly around to each ball he could to get her off of his back. This way was simpler, quieter. Allowing her the space she needed.

And she wasn't about to admit to this fool that part of her plan was to use her animagus form to her advantage in getting answers. How stupid did people really think she was?

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Aristotle King - July 25, 2020

Hit with that all Aristotle could do was stare at her in confusion. He knew calling anybody naive and challenging the way they were going about things was a recipe for a fight and she had certainly responded to everything he had said with her wand up and ready to duel but he wasn't quite sure what exactly he had said that had prompted her to call him a fool with his head in the clouds.

He knew his sister had often accused him of having his head in the clouds... actually, that phrase was something he heard so often he wondered perhaps if the girl did indeed know his sister, or perhaps Calantha had said it just earlier and this girl had overheard that too. Or perhaps it was just the impression that he gave....

He shrugged the confusion off. The conversation was certainly not going well and had obviously devolved into petty insults if she was calling him out in such a way. If she wanted to accuse him of having his head in the clouds while she was obviously being unrealistic and impulsive it was going to be his duty to point that out.

"At least I know where my head is. Best to be aware of it then think it's on the ground only to find it elsewhere."

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Sweetie Whitledge - July 25, 2020

He might be dim, but that was an utterly stupid metaphor. "On the ground? Goodness sakes, if you want to prove yourself smart, you will have to come up with something better than that."

No, she didn't think she would be able to stand being around him for so long as to have a wedding, let alone the brief interactions they would have amongst society as 'husband and wife'. "My head is strictly on my neck, thank you very much."

RE: A Most Masterful Plan - Aristotle King - July 25, 2020

She was right there. It had been a stupid metaphor. He coloured slightly. He had regretted saying it as soon as it left his lips. Nobody had actually accused him of being particularly smart and arguments had never been his thing anyway. Cadmus and Calantha were the witty ones whereas he had been more interested in sitting back and observing or retreating somewhere beneath notice. It wasn't usually his words that attracted people anyway but he digressed...

Truth be told, this was probably the most argumentative he'd ever been.

It's just that an eighteen year old coming up to him, a stranger whom she'd overheard being scolded by a sister for not making himself appear more eligible, and offering to marry him to take care of the problem that was Calantha's pursuit of his marriage was, had rattled him. He thought that it was perhaps it was the fact she reminded him so much of his sister but he was terrible at arguing with her too... for instance he was only here at this place because Calantha had insisted and won.

His eyes strayed down to her neck at its mention. He'd forgotten in their rather... bizarre discussion how he'd wanted to capture her likeness but was reminded again. The way her pale skin contrasted so well with her hair and eyes..... would water colour be the correct medium to use... he pondered it.