OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Hamish Darrow - June 30, 2020
Hullo! OWL and NEWT scores will be released late in July, and it is your friendly neighbourhood deputy headmaster who signs off on them!
I am happy to have them physically (well, digitally) sent to your character from This Dude himself for those who are interested. When you request, you can request with...
- Pre-chosen, aka you tell me the grades and I send them
- Certain Requirements, aka you tell me what courses you want for your NEWT (if 5th) or what career you want (if 7th) and I generate scores (with stats or true random) that still allow for that
- Modified Random, aka random based on #Stats
- True Random, aka random regardless of anything to do with your character
[b]Character:[/b] @"Character Name"
[b]Level:[/b] OWLs or NEWTs
[b]Courses:[/b] <dd>Electives if OWL student;
all courses for NEWT</dd>
[b]Generation Parameters:[/b] Which category do you fall into?
[b]Notes:[/b] Specifics if going in the first two categories, form if going with stats, anything else, generally.
Attach only if going for modified random scores:
[b]Wandwork:[/b] Way Below Level, Below Level, At Level, Above Level, Ballin'
[b]Potion Work:[/b] Way Below Level, Below Level, At Level, Above Level, Ballin'
[b]Magical Knowledge:[/b] Way Below Level, Below Level, At Level, Above Level, Ballin'
[b]Literacy:[/b] Awful, Poor, Average, Above Average
[b]Memory:[/b] Awful, Poor, Average, Above Average
[b]Quality of Student:[/b] Awful, Poor, Average, Above Average, Ballin'
[b]Test Anxiety:[/b] Y/N
[b]Study Style:[/b] What's Studying, Last Minute Wonder, Okay But Also Distracted, Thorough, I Was Born Studying
[b]Established Good:[/b] Are there any courses established IC that they're GOOD at? Link to references!
[b]Established Bad:[/b] Are there any courses established IC that they're BAD at? Link to references!
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Thomas Montgomery - June 30, 2020
Character: Thomas Montgomery
Level: OWLs
Courses: Care of Magical Creatures & Ancient Runes
Generation Parameters: I suppose modified random?
Wandwork: Ballin'
Potion Work: At Level
Magical Knowledge: Above Level
Literacy: Above Average
Memory: Above Average
Quality of Student: Above Average
Test Anxiety: No
Study Style: Between Thorough and I Was Born Studying depending on the subject
Established Good: Transfiguration and Charms.
Talk of Animagus Studying,
Transfiguration Class, and
Duel. (He lost, but his spells were fairly good haha)
Established Bad: I haven't establish any that he's truly dreadful at, but I imagine his worst classes are Herbology and Astronomy.
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Adrienne Lestrange - July 1, 2020
Character: @"Adrienne Selwyn"
Level: OWLs
Courses: Care of Magical Creatures
Earth Magic
Generation Parameters: Modified Random
Notes: N/A
Wandwork: Above Level
Potion Work: Above Level
Magical Knowledge: Above Level
Literacy: Above Average
Memory: Average
Quality of Student: Above Average
Test Anxiety: N
Study Style: Thorough, leaning towards 'I Was Born Studying'
Established Good: N/A
Established Bad: N/A
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Sweetie Whitledge - July 1, 2020
Character: Sweetie Whitledge
Level: NEWTs
Ghoul Studies
Generation Parameters: Modified Random
Notes: Has always been dedicated to her studies in order to achieve her career goals (was raised to follow a career path; is a dedicated Slytherin). This year she has been studying almost fully non-stop in order to avoid her issues.
Wandwork: Above Level
Potion Work: At Level
Magical Knowledge: Ballin'
Literacy: Above Average
Memory: Average
Quality of Student: Above Average
Test Anxiety: N
Study Style: I Was Born Studying
Established Good:
Established Bad: Previous years, she did not win the duelling competitions.
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Eldin Bones - July 1, 2020
Character: Eldin Bones
Level: NEWTs
Courses: Charms
Generation Parameters: Certain requirements but modified random within that!
Notes: He's going into healing <3
Wandwork: Above Level
Potion Work: At Level
Magical Knowledge: Above Level
Literacy: Above Average
Memory: Average
Quality of Student: Above Average
Test Anxiety: Y
Study Style: Okay But Also Distracted
Established Good: N/A
Established Bad: N/A
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Royal Pyrites - July 1, 2020
Character: Royal Pyrites
Level: NEWTs
Courses: Charms
Care of Magical Creatures
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Ghoul Studies
Generation Parameters: Modified Random
Notes: Specifics if going in the first two categories, form if going with stats, anything else, generally.
Wandwork: Above Level
Potion Work: At Level
Magical Knowledge: Above Level
Literacy: Average
Memory: Average
Quality of Student: Average
Test Anxiety: No
Study Style: What's Studying?
Established Good: Transfiguration -
One |
Established Bad: Potions -
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Chrysanta Ruskin {Ocean} - July 1, 2020
Character: Artemis Fairchild
Level: OWLs
Courses: Anicent Runes, Ancient Studies, Ghoul Studies.
Generation Parameters: True Random
Notes: Destroy Artie's life as a proud Ravenclaw.
Character: Sherah Drago
Level: NEWTs
Courses: Muggle Studies, Astronomy, Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, Charms, and Defence Against the Dark Arts
Generation Parameters: Certain Requirements
Notes: She wants to be a healer
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Narcissus Laurent - July 1, 2020
Character: Narcissus Laurent
Level: OWLs
Courses: COMC
Ghoul Studies
Muggle Studies
Generation Parameters: Certain Requirements
Notes: Will be taking NEWT Charms, COMC, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, Transfiguration, Muggle Studies
Wandwork: Above Level
Potion Work: At Level
Magical Knowledge: Above Level
Literacy: Above Average
Memory: Average
Quality of Student: Above Average
Test Anxiety: No
Study Style: Thorough
Established Good: COMC
Established Bad: --
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Cane Backus - July 1, 2020
Character: Cane Backus
Level: OWLs
Courses: Ancient Runes
Ancient Studies
Generation Parameters: Modified Random
Notes: None
Wandwork: At Level
Potion Work: Above Level
Magical Knowledge: Ballin'
Literacy: Above Average
Memory: Average
Quality of Student: Ballin'
Test Anxiety: No
Study Style: I Was Born Studying
Established Good: Potions |
Established Bad: N/A
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Hamish Darrow - July 13, 2020
OWLs requested up to now have all been sent out—check your tags! <3
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Nelson Higgs - July 13, 2020
Character: Nelson Higgs
Level: OWLs
Courses: Ancient Runes
Ghoul Studies
Generation Parameters: Modified Random
Wandwork: Way Below Level because #mute
Potion Work: At Level
Magical Knowledge: Ballin'
Literacy: Above Average
Memory: Above Average
Quality of Student: Ballin' in some courses, Poor in the spell-heavy ones when he basically gives up xD
Test Anxiety: Y
Study Style: Thorough
Established Good: Got extra tutoring w/Charms professor in order to continue with it!
Established Bad: n/a but all other spell-casting, the worst is totally Transfiguration
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Hamish Darrow - August 1, 2020
I've finished OWLs to date and started processing NEWTs! You'll receive a like here AND a tag to the student account when your scores are up
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Gretchen Lestrange - August 2, 2020
Character: Gretchen Lestrange
Level: OWLs.
Courses: Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, Ghoul Studies.
Generation Parameters: Modified random.
Wandwork: Above Level
Potion Work: Above Level
Magical Knowledge: Ballin'
Literacy: Above Average
Memory: Above Average
Quality of Student: Above Average'
Test Anxiety: No. lol.
Study Style: I Was Born Studying.
Established Good: None.
Established Bad: None.
RE: OWLs & NEWTs 1890 -
Acacia Darlington - August 2, 2020
Character: @"Acacia Ruskin"
Level: NEWTs
Courses: Astronomy
Care of Magical Creatures
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Generation Parameters: Modified Random
Notes: Healing Positive Please
Wandwork: Above Level
Potion Work: At Level
Magical Knowledge: Abovr Level
Literacy: Above Average
Memory: Average
Quality of Student: Above Average
Test Anxiety: Y
Study Style: Thorough
Established Good: N/A
Established Bad: N/A