Movie Night - "Emma" - 26/06/20 - Printable Version

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Movie Night - "Emma" - 26/06/20 - Aldous Crouch - June 21, 2020

Movie Night

So uh, this is one of my favourite movies EVER so I've decided to host a movie night to watch it! Ready your bonnets and your fans—we'll be watching on Friday, June 26th. I know some have seen and enjoyed it, while others haven't had the opportunity yet :)

We will be watching on Kosmi, which does NOT require an account. Please vote for your preferred start time above! This counts for Camp Charming.

RE: Movie Night - "Emma" - 26/06/20 - Aldous Crouch - June 26, 2020

Hello my ducks! I am pumped to see you TONIGHT at 7pm EST :D

RE: Movie Night - "Emma" - 26/06/20 - Aldous Crouch - June 26, 2020

THE TIME NEARS! Here is the link you'll need — remember to use Google Chrome to access!