My Dear Diana,
I'm so happy to hear of you and Mister Abbot! I have not had the pleasure of meeting your Mister Abbot but I did have the pleasure of dancing with his brother a few months ago. If he is anything like his younger sibling you are a lucky woman! And he must be truly special to have won your affection!
Included with the letter is an orchid that Benevolence bred herself, If someone kisses or hugs near it the orchid sighs as though it is pleased with the PDA, but its actually responding to the release of serotonin that accompanies the act of PDA.
RE: slights and Sighs - Diana Abbott - May 15, 2020
25th May 1890
Dear Benevolence,
Oh, you really are a dear, Benevolence, thank you so much for your well wishes! I shall pass them on accordingly and I thank you for the flower which I'm certain you worked very hard on.
I do hope his brother behaved himself, though knowing his family I'm sure he was the picture of a gentleman.
Thank you again for your well wishes, they are much appreciated by Mr. Abbott and I!