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Threads for ~The Season~ - Holly Scrimgeour - May 12, 2020

Anyone up for some late-May hurling?

It's only a little under three weeks away, but I'd like to have some COB/"beginning of the season" threads planned out. Hurling, pre-hurling, and general shenanigans at parties can count!

I have a few hurlables:

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Acacia Darlington - May 12, 2020

I still want a Helga/Gerald Abbott to see if they click. But I kinda also want a new, more recent thread between Gerald and @"Benevolence Montague" because so far they have clicked the most.

Dorothy Finch would rather find her own, proper match than be married off by her father, so come at me with your UCAB (slightly eyeing Handsome because younger heir is better than old fart).

@"Liliana Selwyn" needs her options of male. Give them men to me (UCAB prefered).

Opal Boggart won't be out for another season, but pre-hurling is welcome!

LOL, give me a trainwreck for Peter Salvage. He might be running off to another country soon, but that drama and revenge stuff will make it worth it, I promise Wink idk, I might keep him around and ruined or something if he gets hitched, or their plan might be a success and he's chilling in smug victory, idc ACAB, I'm game.

I dare you to try hurling at Sweetie Whitledge. Just try. gimme a secret girlfriend while you're at it

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Freya Selwyn - May 12, 2020

(May 12, 2020 – 1:06 AM)Acacia Ruskin Wrote:  Dorothy Finch would rather find her own, proper match than be married off by her father, so come at me with your UCAB (slightly eyeing Handsome because younger heir is better than old fart)

Drive by to say daddy finch would not be cool with an inappropriately aged suitor.

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Charlotte Beauregard - May 12, 2020

Lottie isn't likely to view Handsome as suitor potential, but they'd be fun to thread nonetheless!

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Cecily Gallivan - May 12, 2020

Cee here is really open for hurling needs! Her type is nice and athletic. I'd also love to hurl her at guys who think she shouldn't care so much about Quidditch.

Seneca Lestrange is up for pre-hurls! UCPB guys.

And then I have Ruby Urquart . Neither she nor Seneca are really in the headspace of looking for men rn, but it'd be fun to thread them with men nonetheless.

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Madeleine Backus - May 12, 2020

Samuel! UCPB! ::eyebrows eyebrows:: eligible, romantic, pretty handsome!

I also have Jack Cardew - who is a cute, smiley, flirty, easy going MCHB, quidditch captain!

I really only have Ginevra Blackwood as a UCPB but I dont think they would be a good match, I think she would annoy him, unless he doesnt want any sort of emotional connection with his bride, but that doesn't sound like what you are looking for.  She doesn't break social norms (post retcon) but might be too flighty for him. 

@'Benevolence Montague' could work here, she is more reserved and proper.  Might be more his speed. 

@'Benevolence Montague' - might be a possible for Freddie - upper middle class pureblood

or @'Natsuko Mountbatton' - if he isn't blood status fussy, or interested in an organic tester

< Maddy has a few hurling threads right now to see if she can stablise her tail spin...although we are not hurling them again a thread with her and Handsome would either stablise her, or throw her completely! would be great! CARNAGE!!

Jack is the sort of smiley happy chap that could be mistaken for flirting with someone and could be the subject of a girlish crush! *shrug*

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Ophelia Devine - May 12, 2020

The only 'hurlable' person I have is Emrys Selwyn who thinks debutantes are a bit high maintenance, but if anyone is prowling for an UCPB husband we can try it. xD

THAT BEING SAID I would really like to thread Reuben Crouch with Young Pretty Girls this season. Maybe for affair hurling, maybe for emotional-affair hurling, maybe just to create speculative gossip that would bug Melody. (Helga, Cee, and Charlotte would be great candidates if you're up for threads!) Also @Kelly we could thread him and Dorothy where he doesn't know who she is because that would be amusing xD

Not-technically-hurlable because she's already in spinster-ville but I also have @"Juliana Binns" who can go have season-y encounters with people.

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Melody Crouch - May 12, 2020

(May 12, 2020 – 3:56 PM)Ophelia Devine Wrote:  THAT BEING SAID I would really like to thread Reuben Crouch with Young Pretty Girls this season. Maybe for affair hurling, maybe for emotional-affair hurling, maybe just to create speculative gossip that would bug Melody. (Helga, Cee, and Charlotte would be great candidates if you're up for threads!) Also @Kelly we could thread him and Dorothy where he doesn't know who she is because that would be amusing xD

Melody is glaring at this.

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Cecily Gallivan - May 12, 2020

I totally forgot I play a hurlable man lol

Marcus Lytton . He's into blondes.

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Reuben Crouch - May 26, 2020

(May 12, 2020 – 3:56 PM)Ophelia Devine Wrote:  THAT BEING SAID I would really like to thread Reuben Crouch with Young Pretty Girls this season. Maybe for affair hurling, maybe for emotional-affair hurling, maybe just to create speculative gossip that would bug Melody. (Helga, Cee, and Charlotte would be great candidates if you're up for threads!) Also @Kelly we could thread him and Dorothy where he doesn't know who she is because that would be amusing xD

I started an open thread for this purpose here but can start others if people are interested and that one gets taken (or just doesn't work for you)!

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Octavia Fawley - May 26, 2020

I Have Octavia Rose here coming out at the ball and she has every intention of going full force into the season and has high expectations to leave her first season with an engagement and if not that, at least a courtship. She secretly fancies the idea of marrying for love but would prioritize an advantageous marriage (UCPB) over love (but if it happens to be both she'll be quite pleased). I would want her to stay in the UCPB bubble for at least this season but otherwise almost anything is game. I'm even open to her being a convenience marriage with some kinda cover/plot behind it. Also, another thing I'd like to look for her is a girl she could end up crushing on as before now the thought that she could be attracted to women as well has not occurred to her.

I also have Magdalene Cadden who will be in her second(?) season and is open for hurling. Pretty much anything is game there!

RE: Threads for ~The Season~ - Roberto Devine - July 2, 2020

I have a bunch of hurlables but I would especially like to focus on the following handful of each class grouping this season!
These are what they're looking for in potential spouses.
Clarissa Cosgrove - she just graduated from PSYR. Her parents would prefer a pureblood. Clarissa personally does not care about blood status. 24+, upper class.
Lionel Lupin - He is gay but very actively looking for a trophy wife that can also give him heirs. UCPB preferred but MCPB OR UCAB is also acceptable.
Richard Gladstone - UC or MC, any blood status. Must already debuted into society and at least three years younger than himself.

Lily Huddleston - she is growing increasingly despairing of her impending spinsterdom. MC/UC, any blood. 27+.
Loretta Browne - MC/UC, any blood, 27+

Josiah Rohlwing - Muggle, would not mind marrying a witch. WCAB
Esteban Zavala - unlikely but ey, he exists.