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Tutoring! - Cassia Fawley - May 5, 2020

Heeey, so with Prefect apps coming up this summer, Cassia needs some "helpful" threads under her belt, so I'm having her offer tutoring sessions to those who need it!

She can proficiently tutor in:
-- Art
-- Charms
-- Divination
-- Herbology

She is, however, hopeless at Potions, so anyone who is good at Potions who needs a thread for their own Prefect/Head app, hit me up!

That being said, I can do two tutoring threads at the moment, so post down below if you'd be interested!

(Also, you all are welcome to use this thread as a place to get tutoring/prefect app threads of your own! ^.^)

RE: Tutoring! - Charity Lloyd - May 5, 2020

Frida could help with Potions, and Flora would love to do more ~advanced art with her!

RE: Tutoring! - Cassia Fawley - May 6, 2020

Holly Scrimgeour
Let’s do Flora/Cassia with Art. I’ll start something for them and link you when it’s up! ^.^

RE: Tutoring! - Amelia Evans - May 6, 2020

I have Sunday Fudge!! She could use some help in the art and divination astronomy department, she has no patience for either of those subjects xDD

RE: Tutoring! - Elsie Kirke - May 6, 2020

Sloane could use some help in charms! She's awful at anything that isn't comc or herbology xD

RE: Tutoring! - Roberto Devine - May 6, 2020

^^Art (and Music) is completely optional for all years, js xD

Paxton Fudge could use help in the Charms department

RE: Tutoring! - Cassia Fawley - May 7, 2020

Amelia Evans
Yes, please! Cassia would love to tutor her in Astronomy! ^.^

@"Elsie Beauregard" & Roberto Devine
I don't want to get too bogged down by tutoring threads, but I do have a funny thread idea that ties in with Charms, if you'd both be interested. Smile

RE: Tutoring! - Elsie Kirke - May 7, 2020

Whatever you like darling, I am entirely open!

RE: Tutoring! - Roberto Devine - May 7, 2020

I'm down!