The Plays the Thing -
Benevolence Crouch - April 15, 2020
The Plays The Thing....
The Hogsmeade witches institute is organising a play! To be performed in Padmore Park on Midsummers Eve as part of the Hogsmeade village fete. Think Shakespeare in the park! (Since I wont get to actual Shakespeare in the park this year I'm doing my own!)
They are looking for actors, set and costume designers. It will be 100% respectable - dodgy people need not apply! It is aimed at UC/MC men and women
There will also need to be an organising committee. They will cast the characters @'Benevolence Montague' will be one, and 2 other volunteer Witches Institute ladies to take on the organising.
organising Committee:
* -SPOT1
* -SPOT2
Event is here
[b]Name[/b]: person who hopes to take part
[b]Role:[/b] any role/job they would like/not like
to Follow
The Characters
Theseus, Duke of Athens
Theseus, the Duke of Athens, has recently won a war against the Amazons, and to reward himself for his victory is going to marry their queen Hippolyta, whether she likes it or not.
Egeus is a courtier at Theseus’s court.
Lysander is a young man of Athens, of good family and fortune.
Demetrius is not the most admirable of young men. Having wooed Helena and won her heart, he shifts his attentions to Hermia, who will have none of him, but whose father favors him.
Philostrate is Theseus's Master of the Revels. The Duke sends him to encourage everybody in Athens to celebrate his wedding and have a festive time during the four days leading up to the ceremony.
Peter Quince is a carpenter with literary pretensions who organizes some fellow workers into preparing a play he has written to present to Theseus and Hippolyta on their wedding day (in which he presents the Prologue).
Bottom the weaver is a take-charge sort of fellow, and a great stage ham who wishes to play all the parts he can in Quince’s play.
Flute is a bellows-mender, a young man whose facial hair is only just beginning to grow. His voice may be unbroken.
Snout is a tinker cast as Pyramus’s father and the Wall in Quince’s play.
Snug the joiner is not the most quick-witted of fellows, and is therefore cast as the lion to avoid his having to learn lines.
Starveling the tailor portrays Moonshine in Quince’s play.
Hippolyta is Queen of the Amazons. Having been defeated in battle by Theseus, she is now betrothed to him.
Hermia is Egeus’s daughter. In love with Lysander, she refuses to marry Demetrius despite the threat of death for her refusal.
Helena is a young lady of Athens. She was wooed by Demetrius and remains obsessively, even masochistically in love with him.
Oberon is King of Fairies. Proud, angry, and vengeful, he quarrels with Titania for the sake of a changeling boy, and on being refused decides to humiliate her into obedience.
Titania is Queen of Fairies. Her quarrel with Oberon disturbs nature, but in memory of her votaress she still refuses to give up the boy who is at the quarrel’s root.
Puck, or Robin Goodfellow, is an amoral prankster of a spirit. Oberon’s jester, he delights in practical jokes, transforming Bottom for a lark and making him the object of Titania’s love.
Peaseblossom is a fairy of Titania’s court. Commanded by Titania, it is one of the ones to attend on Bottom.
Cobweb is a fairy of Titania’s court. Commanded by Titania, it is one of the ones to attend on Bottom.
Moth is a fairy of Titania’s court. Commanded by Titania, it is one of the ones to attend on Bottom.
Mustardseed is a fairy of Titania’s court. Commanded by Titania, it is one of the ones to attend on Bottom.
A Fairy
A Fairy is one of Titania’s servants, charged with spreading the dew. She recognizes Puck, and is not fond of Oberon.
First Fairy
The First Fairy sings a charm to keep Titania’s sleeping place safe.
Second Fairy
The Second Fairy sings a charm to keep Titania’s sleeping place safe.
Used for group refrains, should be able to sing
RE: The Plays the Thing -
Cecily Gallivan - April 15, 2020
Marcus could be swayed to design the costumes!
Cee would audition if
Charlotte Beauregard and "Magdalena Cadden" do
RE: The Plays the Thing -
Billie Farrow - April 15, 2020
ahahaha I love this.
Zachariah Binns
Role: He would be ecstatic to take part in any possible way. He would likely hand out flyers at his bookshop to encourage people to both audition and attend, be encouraging to all actors, and generally be an EXCITED NERD. He might, if coerced, audition for the role of Quince.
I can't believe I don't have any other 'respectable' MC/UC people. Darn! I do know, however, Billie would likely curiously lurk about and run errands if they allowed her. rofl
RE: The Plays the Thing -
Charlotte Beauregard - April 15, 2020
Iiii can't see Lottie auditioning, but she'd be more than happy to help with the preparations!
RE: The Plays the Thing -
Juliana Ainsworth - April 15, 2020
I could see Jules getting dragged along by either Rosie Binns or Mama Binns (who I imagine is also probably active in the W.I. stuff). She would not be particularly inclined to audition but could be persuaded to do so - particularly if she needed to audition in order to get Zachariah to audition because that idea amuses her. xD
If she gets a part she's totally forgetting all her lines though.
Name: Juliana Binns
Role: Any.
Adam Ragge could be persuaded to participate if any of his CMJ people are. Likely a similar sort of scenario; he'd go mainly to support them and then get badgered into auditioning as well. Alternatively, he'd volunteer to build sets if one of his friends was cast/otherwise involved.