What Ships Am I Supposed to be Following? - Printable Version

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What Ships Am I Supposed to be Following? - Helga Crouch - April 6, 2020

It's not really a game as much as a "keep me updated on these developing/established ships so I can follow in real-time" thread. Respond with your ships and their threads, I guess? I just wanna read 'em.

RE: What Ships Am I Supposed to be Following? - Roberto Devine - April 6, 2020

Willow and I have a budding ship (which is currently a friend!ship so still a ship :D) we call #nue.
1. first thread where a friendship begins to form
2. light classroom interaction
3. pumpkin sailing together - with a very meaningful art (it represented them both)
4. SWP-ing together feat. germander which narcissus dislikes xD

RE: What Ships Am I Supposed to be Following? - Ophelia Devine - April 6, 2020

I've got a lot of stuff going on and I'd be totally willing to update you on any of it but IDK what you're interested in. xD

Robelia - Roberto/Ophelia - are just doing happy couple things atm, no updates.
Zelfred - Zelda/Alfred - are very sad here
Jo Smith / Alfred - are not a ship but are a something. Their latest thread was this one and they've currently got letters going on.
NCE - Ben/Melody - last feelsy thread was this one and currently they're trying to survive family dinner; stay tuned for another thread with just the two of them in the near future.
Thomula - Thom/Ursula - broke up, I guess?
Anti - Antigone/Tiberius - is here and you know, who knows what they'll do.

If you're particularly interested in one and haven't been keeping up with it I can totally give you the breakdown of what they've been up to lately, just lmk Smile

RE: What Ships Am I Supposed to be Following? - Jupiter Smith - April 6, 2020

Will is about to ask Diana to court

Maggie and Percy finally duked it out...and some other things