Team Britain: Keeper Trials
April 7th, 1890 — Howler Stadium, Hawthorne Hollow
Elliot Tuft hovered on his broomstick, having determined (in his mind) the best possible vantage point to observe their trial keepers at the goal hoops. He, along with two other retired keepers, an official from the Quidditch League, and Fitzroy Prewett himself (via enchanted mirror) would observe the official candidates and determine who would represent Britain in the International Quidditch League this season.
A gust of
wind sent the wizard slightly off-course, but the practiced flyer quickly returned to his position just in time to watch the first keeper face off against a
buffet of quaffles—no more than two at a time, of course! Though Elliot himself was looking to see who performed best under pressure, he knew that others would likely judge on style or success.
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