Colliding Mini Witches -
Sisse Thompsett - March 31, 2020
March 31, 1890 - Hogwarts Corridors
Soon classes would finally be done for the day and Sisse was eager to head outside. The sun was shining (finally) and a hint of spring was on the breeze. First stop was to drop off her books then she was going to see if Sloane or Calla wanted to study outside.
All of her plans were suddenly thrown off track when Holly Scrimgeour barreled past her on their way out of the Charms class room. Normally Sisse would have shrugged it off, but her good mood faded and she turned to Holly with a glare. "
Hey! Watch where your going!" She demanded sharply.
RE: Colliding Mini Witches -
Holly Scrimgeour - March 31, 2020
Apart from Camille, there were very few Gryffindors that Holly regularly chose to interact with. Miss Thompsett was not one of them, but she was—unfortunately—one that Holly was accosted by (and quite rudely!) as she dashed towards Charms class.
"I'm sorry?" she responded, her brows furrowing together in frustration, not from the rudeness in Miss Thompsett's tone, but by the fact that she felt affronted by it! "I only meant to..." Wait.. This wasn't normal.
RE: Colliding Mini Witches -
Sisse Thompsett - March 31, 2020
Sisse had never known Holly to be meak mannered. She looked at her suspiciously, really wanting no problems from her today. She simply didn't have the time, nor the energy to deal with such a girl. What act was she up to now? "
Perhaps next time you should watch where you are going." Sisse said icely, a haughty look on her face. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that she needed to keep her temper in check, that this wasn't right, but she didn't seem to be able to stop - nor did she care to.
RE: Colliding Mini Witches -
Holly Scrimgeour - March 31, 2020
Holly wouldn't normally scowled, but now she only felt... distress? Unhappiness? It wasn't an emotion she was used to feeling, and it was certainly one she didn't like! She'd had no plans to get into a confrontation this morning, and now it seemed like she couldn't avoid it! Maybe she was just taken aback by Miss Thompsett's sudden outburst.
"I always do." Holly was many things, but she wasn't clumsy. "Maybe you should be a little nicer. I merely bumped into you."
RE: Colliding Mini Witches -
Sisse Thompsett - March 31, 2020
Be a little nicer? Who did Miss Scrimegour think she was? She had always given Sisse a hard time to the smallest things. "
Because you always set such a good example of being nice?" Sisse asked incredulously, a little scared of her temper than had flared out of nowhere. Thank Merlin most of the class had already headed in and there were few to watch this particular scene.
RE: Colliding Mini Witches -
Holly Scrimgeour - March 31, 2020
Holly sunk back into herself, feeling an overwhelming need to escape the situation but not being bold enough to bounce. Her hand flew to her chest and she opened her mouth, expecting a witty response but finding that there was nothing she could (or would) say? It wasn't as if there was much to insult Sisse Thompsett about anways.
"I'm sorry if you feel that way," she apologized, rather uncharacteristically. "I've never had many friends, and I don't see the point in trying to make them now that everyone has a solid opinion of me." It was truthful—painfully honest, really. Holly smiled sadly.
RE: Colliding Mini Witches -
Sisse Thompsett - March 31, 2020
Sisse's eyes widened. In three years of knowing Holly Scrimegour she had never once heard her apologize - and to admit that she had no friends? What was Holly playing at. "
There's a good reason you don't have friends." Sisse retorted haughtily, surprising herself with her own bluntness. "
Manners being at the forefront."
RE: Colliding Mini Witches -
Holly Scrimgeour - March 31, 2020
Holly's heart sunk in her chest, and she felt tears prick at the corner of her eyes. No one had ever been so... so... so plainly mean to her! Holly felt her lower lip tremble as she tried to find a witty response, but there was nothing—nothing!—she could say.
RE: Colliding Mini Witches -
Sisse Thompsett - March 31, 2020
Was the girl going to
cry? Sisse watched her face crumple as feeling no sympathy. Holly Scrimgeour had had it coming to her. Feeling her point had been made, Sisse cut in front of the girl and made her way into the class. She certainly wasn't going to be the one to comfort her.
RE: Colliding Mini Witches -
Holly Scrimgeour - March 31, 2020
With nothing else said, Holly wiped her face and dashed past Miss Thompsett, accidentially brushing shoulders with the Gryffindor as she did. Suddenly, the feeling of sadness and gloom and despair began to fade, and was replaced with shame. How ridiculous she was acting. Crying! She didn't cry! Holly stopped in her tracks, turned on her heel, and faced Miss Thompsett with a mixture of pain and anger in her eyes.
"Never speak of that or I'll get you," she promised.
RE: Colliding Mini Witches -
Sisse Thompsett - March 31, 2020
Miss Scrimgeour brushed into Sisse again, her shoulder jamming painfully into her. It felt as if a weight had lifted from her stomach, as if suddenly the clouds on a gloomy had cleared. Then she thought of what had just happened and her cheeks blazed an angry red. How rude she had been! She should have been much kinder.
Given what had just transpired, Sisse wasn't entirely sure that Holly would hold up her end of the threat but she nodded. "
Not a word." She agreed, equally wishing that no one ever find out what had happened. She had been absolutely awful and she had no idea why.