This works like this: They all have some sort of journal where everyone's messages appear, so it can work as a group chat.
January 1st, 1890
Happy new year! You probably all know that it is my birthday today and I was thinking how happy it would make me if we had some breakthrough on our research! Did you find anything interesting in your families' libraries? At Crowdy library, at least? At some seedy bookstore, where we ladies can't so easily go to?
I found, in my family's library, something about a ritual that is supposed to give a wizard more power. I think it involves human blood. It's written in runes, so I need to break them to get to the full text, along with translating it.
I can't wait to learn of all the interesting things you all discovered during these holidays! It's so good that we have a purpose of extending our knowledge, rather than spend our entire day playing mindless games and eating pastries.
I am fortunate that my father seems more likely to indulge in my whims with each passing year. I might have had full access to his texts if not for my step-mother. I did, however, manage to acquire a book with a recipe seemingly designed to make a man unable to sire children.
I can see no use for it... yet.
Some of the ingredients are unfamiliar; I can only assume they have more modern names giving the age of the book itself.
I've ordered a few items into that shady book seller in Hogsmeade. The old git is charging a pretty galleon for them, but he didn't want names so I guess that is why.
One is a muggle book on demons, it's probably wand rot but it was written by the same man who wrote the Malleus Maleficarum and he got some things right, so perhaps there might be something of use in it.
I have to pick them up on the next Hogsmeade weekend, but it seemed a better idea than having them owled to the school.
I did find something of interest however, even if my idiot brother tried to steal it, but I threatened him in a wardrobe until he gave it back. You might have heard the shouting? I know uncle Lucius wasn't thrilled so I'm in my bedroom and you will have to come to me as I cannot leave for the time being.
He did let me keep the book though. Can you also bring the sweet basket aunt Nephele gave me?
Holly - if you send me the list of ingredients you couldn't decipher I might be able to see if my mother [ooc: she's a potioneer] can figure it out! Whilst you're at it, send that entire recipe along, will you? I have a dear friend who might be in dire need of that sooner rather than later. [insert VE equivalent of the <3 emoji]
Speaking of quick turnaround, Cadawaller, you should send the family maid or a butler to pick those up for you. By the sound of it, the codger will turn around on you and sell those to someone else in a heartbeat for a higher price if he wants them off his hands so badly.
Da is an animagus and I managed to convince him to let me borrow some of his transfiguration books, if that might be of use to us.
Happy Birthday, Sen! I hope you got the owl I sent you*.
*included some Honeyduke's Sweets, and a 1st edition of Arwen Amorim's Syllabary of the Ages
Miss Scrimgeour -- What an interesting find! I am sure it will come in handy to us ladies when we enter the society! Especially to you, since you will marry my cousin, who is Auntie Mariana's third son. I am sure she wouldn't mind if Cousin Yarrow sired no children! What do you think, Cousin Germander, if we made you the only one able to continue the Macnair name?
I am joking, of course. It is not a time to decrease our fertility when wizards are marrying muggles, corpses and Merlin knows what other creatures!
Mr. Selwyn -- I normally wouldn't trust some muggles book, but it is true that demons find muggles easier targets than they do wizards. Which gives me an idea, perhaps we could invite one in the body of one of our muggleborn classmates?
Miss Cora -- That is great! I don't think my father would let me borrow his books on the matter so easily. I have sent you a copy of the things you asked, also. It should arrive today. I also thank you for your present.
Gretchen and I found an alchemic recipe on how to create human blood. I think this is a good solution for all those rituals that we found that require it. While it would be more exciting to get it from a living person, it would be foolish and reckless to try something like this while we are at school. We could, however, arrange something for the summer.
I do like how you think Miss L'estrange. Everyone should be on the look out for a likely subject, or make our plans and prepare and wait until September until we get a nice new first year. One of those would probably be the easiest because their magic will be the weakest and we will find them easier to work with, and although a Hufflepuff is probably the most likely target I would say not one of them because the teachers will definitely sniff that as soon as they see it.
People should also start skimming from the potions cupboard - nothing too drastic but just the odd extra item, especially the controlled stuff we can't buy ourselves. I've enchanted a chest to keep the items fresh, if anyone has any suggestions on where to hide it so we can all get to it I can hide it away at the weekend.
RE: The Cult Group Chat - Winslow Ramsay - March 17, 2020
January 5th, 1890
January 2, 1890
Sorry for a late response, things have been busy around here. My sister is forever following me about and hardly gives me a moment alone. I've taken to reading and writing while in the bath. Luckily, water splatters don't really show through in a book such as this.
Anyways, I'll be in Diagon Alley before returning to school. My mother is often preoccupied by the bratling so I can sneak away. Anyone fancy a walk in Knockturn? I'm sure we can come up with some excuses if we're asked while there. Otherwise I imagine it could be a worthwhile trip. I realize it's short notice but perhaps tomorrow would work?
I came to a decision this morning and I'm trusting you all to keep it quiet - I've decided to become an animagus, but I don't want to register. I figure if that Whitledge girl can master it only year that a few good purebloods should be able to master it. I took a book from our library at home on it and it'll be my little pet project. If any of you want in on it I'll be working on it in the library this weekend. It'll take a while obviously , but I figure the sooner I start the sooner I'll get it.