Charity Quiditch Match! - Printable Version

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Charity Quiditch Match! - Ginevra Blackwood - February 24, 2020

The Blackwoods, and by extension puddlemere United are sponsoring a charity Quiditch match

It will be a 3 day affair!

Mixed teams of gentlemen (UC and MC) will pay a modest fee to enter a team.

Day 1
Gents with no experience, or havnt played since school can pay a small amount to train with the 'celebrity'professional Quiditch players.

Day 2
The match! Teams will play each other to 200 points, until the snitch is caught, or for 1 hour, which ever comes first. (Its being presumed that amateur players wont have the stamina to play longer)
Every team will play every other team in a poule, with a 15 -30 minute break in between matches. To create a final ranking of the teams.

Day 3
The highest ranked team will play the lowest, then 2nd will play 2nd last....and so on in a tableau. See fencing example below!*

Then a ball...because why not! Prizes will be given put and the winning team will choose the charity. So ladies....tell your hubs and SOs what to nominate.

*[Image: fencing_tableau-300x168.jpg]

Celebrity Quiditch types to offer the training day
Team sponsors

RE: Charity Quiditch Match! - Arven Fisk - March 4, 2020

Arven here would be happy to sign up for a team! He was a Keeper at Hogwarts~