Lost in Time -
Jupiter Smith - February 10, 2020
February 13th, 1890 — Heavenly Antiques, London
Jo was bored.
She wasn't sure which ungodly virtue possessed her to offer to staff the antique shop, but after three hours of inhaling dust she was ready to close up and go home. Fragile and rare items were her favorite thing in the world, but only when combined with the fresh open air. This tiny, dimly lit storefront was hardly the dig site she abandoned, if anything it was the exact opposite. There was no warmth except that of the fireplace behind her. Jo was convinced this morning was what her version of hell would one day resemble.
After another quarter hour passed in silence, Jo began peeking around at the valuables her sister collected whilst singing to herself. The Portuguese lyrics came easily to mind as she randomly poked items and dusted shelves. If no patrons came in by noon she was going to close up shop for the day and scavenge for lunch. How Mars and Aaron (God rest his soul) spent any length of time here baffled her. Short of rearranging the knickknacks (which Jo was definitely not about to do) there was little to occupy her time with.
One peek into the office told the brunette exactly what her twin and deceased brother-in-law used to do to pass the time. The couch was just deep enough to allow for boring intimacy positions, and if that didn't suit them there were certainly other positions that would just as easily work. Her poor sister. What on Earth would Mars do once she was well enough to return full time to the shop? Without a mid-afternoon tryst the days would drag on endlessly...
RE: Lost in Time -
Zachariah Binns - February 15, 2020
Zachariah peered down at a bit of parchment with deep creases from constant folding. He never ventured from the shop without a detailed list of books he was meant to fetch. Every second week of the even numbered months was dedicated to his travels. As it was nearing the end of said week, he had saved his London pursuits for last. It also allowed him the opportunity for a bit of leisure before he returned.
But, business first.
He tucked his list into the pocket of a well-loved travel coat that sported the evidence of a few light ink stains he had yet to remove. Freshly printed books tended to cause a bit of a mess, and he had promised a local author he would handle them personally.
The door to the antique shop was pushed open with his shoulder. It took him a moment of distracted peering around at all of the collected knickknacks before he heard a woman singing. Stepping around a display, he caught sight of her, not yet recognizing her.
"Pardon me, Miss?"
RE: Lost in Time -
Jupiter Smith - February 16, 2020
Steady nerves were a requirement of her occupation, as a sudden jerking movement had the potential to destroy a priceless artifact. The singular time she jumped while on a dig had resulted in her falling through the roof of a makeshift house. A significant find to be sure, but the thunderous crash of her body had caused several pottery pieces to be ruined. Her boss took the event in stride, even threw a few words of praise in her direction for having discovered the lodging. However, three years later Jo could still feel the sharp sting of embarrassment and disappointment in the wreckage she caused.
A man's voice behind her startled her into abruptly turning to face him, causing her to collide with one of the tall vases in the process. The sound of shattering porcelain echoed through the otherwise quiet shop. Its broken pieces didn't look like an expensive piece of work, but Mars was still likely to be angry with her. The vase had to have some sort of historic value to reside in an antique shop, after all.
Apparently, her steadiness existed only in South America.
"Forgive me, you startled me." She said quickly, as she stepped around the shards to stand closer (though, not inappropriately so) to the man. "Welcome to Heavenly Antiques! How can I help you?" Jo's smile made her lack of retail experience painfully obvious. No one was that happy to engage with a customer after the destruction of a vase (which she was ignoring with the hope to fix once he left).
RE: Lost in Time -
Zachariah Binns - March 13, 2020
Zachariah was torn between ignoring the entire incident altogether to try and help the woman save face and apologizing profusely. The latter won out.
"Oh Merlin. I do beg your forgiveness. I did not intend to startle you. Would you like some assistance in clearing that away?" His conscience wouldn't allow him to leave the subject unacknowledged.
After a short pause, he did continue, deciding providing her with a reason for his sudden appearance might reassure her he wasn't the sort to take delight in frightening people.
"I had been in correspondence with a Mr. Asteroid about a particularly intriguing book he'd come across about an Eastern potioneer. I have reader with a keen interest in such topics." He never called his customers anything but readers. It only cemented the care he took in his job. He gave Jo a friendly sort of smile, completely unaware her brother-in-law no longer walked among the living.
While the stood there, his brows began to furrow. Why did she seem so familiar?
RE: Lost in Time -
Jupiter Smith - March 14, 2020
"Oh, it's my own fault...my head was in the clouds." She waved his offer to help off with a shake of her hand. Cleaning up the mess the broken vase created would at least give her something to do once he left. Perhaps Jo could even make a project of resembling it. Maybe even with gold like the Japanese did. At least then it would be worthy of selling in an antique shop.
Aaron's name caught Jo wildly off guard, her eyes widening at the realization that this man had no idea her brother-in-law passed over a month ago. "I'm ... I'm sorry to inform you Mr. Asteroid ... well, he's dead. A little over a month ago now" Jo announced rather bluntly. Death had never been one of her strongsuits. It was an inevitable fact of life, she knew, and she had been involved in the careful excavation of human remains. But, those were skeletons or mummies (more often skeletons)... they weren't puffy, putrid, defecating corpses. The single corpse she had ever seen before it was properly disposed of still haunted her. No, death wasn't a topic she handled well.
"But I can help you find it?" She followed her crass announcement up immediately. "There aren't many books hidden around here from what I've seen. What color is the binding?"
RE: Lost in Time -
Zachariah Binns - May 24, 2020
Zachariah's eyebrows raised at the news, gaze drifting to the ground,
"Oh my. I am very sorry for your loss. I hadn't realized he passed." He shot Jo an empathetic look. He hadn't know Aaron very well, but the two had corresponded through letters from time to time, and he often purchased strange books from the shop's collection. It did, however, explain why he hadn't received a reply in some time.
Zach didn't quite know how to tackle the subject of death, either. He'd been lucky enough to have not lost many family members in his time on Earth. At least, nobody who was very close. He did, however, genuinely felt sorry for the young lady in front of him.
"Are you of any relation?" He assumed she must be related since Mr. Asteroid had mentioned it was a family business.
"I am unsure of the color. I do know the author's surname was Dolkar."
RE: Lost in Time -
Jupiter Smith - June 5, 2020
"His sister-in-law, Jo Smith. Mars, my twin, was married to him." She replied with a shrug as she began searching for the book he requested. Jo had heard too many sympathies for Aaron that they no longer phased her. He was dead, foolish enough to cross in front of a carriage. There were only so many apologises one could hear for the brainless before they all began to blur into one endless garbled mess.
Jo scanned the shelves looking for Dolkar but had little success. "Are you certain he was holding it for you, Mr. ..." It was then that she took him in for the first time and felt foolish herself for not recognizing him sooner. "Zachariah!" She greeted happily. "Merlin, I'm sorry! I've been so caught in my own thoughts!"
RE: Lost in Time -
Zachariah Binns - June 14, 2020
"Miss...Smith?" The cogs in Zachariah's head finally aligned, suddenly realizing why she looked so familiar. It was a strange thing to have met someone abroad; you don't particularly expect to encounter them somewhere a bit more ordinary. Not to mention the fact she hadn't recognized him at first, either. It had him second guessing the nagging feeling he'd been suffering as they spoke. It all made sense now.
"No apologies needed! I, too, was lost in the hunt; I get so absorbed. I did suspect how familiar you seemed, but I have come across some uncanny look-a-likes that I didn't give it much more thought. I am dreadfully sorry as well!" He shot Jo a kind and understanding smile. He wasn't one for hurt feelings, especially since they'd both neglected to pay full attention.
"How have you been? It's been some months since we've last spoken."
RE: Lost in Time -
Jupiter Smith - June 16, 2020
She grinned and without thinking brushed a dusty hand through her hair. What were the odds that the handsome man she met back in the Americas would wind up in her sister's shop? "No apologies needed." Jo said, her smile just as bright. "It's nice to see you again, despite the rather unfortunate circumstances."
She led him further into the shop as she continued to hunt for his book. Why hadn't Mars mentioned it? Would Aaron have stashed it away somewhere? "I've been well! Just returned home less than two weeks ago. I have to say I didn't miss London winters. And yourself?"
RE: Lost in Time -
Zachariah Binns - June 16, 2020
Zachariah inclined his head in agreement at the mention of the elephant in the room. He didn't think Jo would enjoy a second reminder of her brother-in-law's death, so he didn't mention it again.
"It is wonderful to see you, as well!"
He lifted his eyebrows with interest, following after her and aiding her in the search. It had been some time since the book had been mentioned to him. He'd been quite busy on his last few trips abroad that he'd missed stopping in London altogether.
"Where have you returned from? If I remember correctly, you're quite the traveler."
Zach's lips twitched upwards in amusement.
"Yes, and I would swear it is much colder this year than last. At least, up in Hogsmeade it has." Whether that was true or not was up for debate; he was liable to say the exact same phrase every winter.
"Wonderful weather for curling up with a book next to a fire, though. I am also doing well. Just back from Australia. What an interesting country!"
RE: Lost in Time -
Jupiter Smith - June 16, 2020
"Venezuela. Certainly not as cold there as here. Might be just as wet, though." She joked easily. The damp nature of London didn't quite match that of the forests, but the sticky feeling of damp clothes never changed. Jo had been forced to learn nearly every drying charm to keep from getting skin infections due to the rain. The fact that ths locals mostly endured it without magic was a testament to their strength.
Continuing to look for the book, she tapped her chin and looked under various papers and shelves. Where on Earth had Aaron hid it?! His mention of his own travels made her pause. "Australia, eh? I haven't made it there yet myself. I've heard great things, though. Hopefully someday." It was unlikely her work would take her there as there weren't many ancient civilizations to be heard of in Australia, but maybe someday.
"I've never been the sort to want to curl up
with a book next to the fire. Too antsy for that." Perhaps a bit too suggestive, but there was couch in the office just begging to be put to use.
RE: Lost in Time -
Zachariah Binns - June 16, 2020
"Oh, you must have been in the rainforests, then! How marvelous. What research took you there?" He inquired while he paused to tug a book off of one of the shelves. Dolmar. Not quite. An astronomy text, as well. No good. He returned it to its dusty home and continued to trail after Jo, nodding while she spoke.
"Yes, I have a colleague who's an ex-pat who writes about the odd magical practices of the natives there. Sadly, it was a trip for business purposes, but I do hope to return there to fully enjoy its beauty." Then again, his bookshop
was his life, and he wasn't one to take vacations. He would likely have to settle with the brief cultural experiences that fetching and delivering new texts brought.
Zach's eyebrow quirked a bit at Miss Smith's suggestive tone, but, like many things, the notion went clear over his head. Poor fellow took her words at face value.
"Yes, I daresay you probably are," he commented with a dash of warm laughter.
RE: Lost in Time -
Jupiter Smith - June 16, 2020
"We found traces of a magical society near some ruins back in ... oh what was it, 1887? 88? And have been tracking it through South America since then." The society wss quite different from English society, what with its religious and spiritual beliefs. Still, Jo was eager to learn more of the society if she ever got back there. "They were just beginning to make headway when I was forced to leave." She continued somewhat sadly. Missing what could very well be the archaeological find of her generation was hard for.Jo to stomach. It was her life dream, her potential greatest accomplishment, all gone because Aaron had to fucking die.
Yeah, Jo was a bit angry.
Jo stopped her searching and glanced at him quizzically. "Is there a magical society there? I haven't heard much of them." The English transplants, yes, but not a native culture. How intriguing.
Turning her attention back to the shelves, Jo reached for a book quite weathered with age. The author's name was nearly undecipherable from the spine and turned to offer it to Mr. Binns. "Is this the one?"
RE: Lost in Time -
Zachariah Binns - June 16, 2020
"Fascinating!" He wasn't quite up to date on all of the expeditions going out, but the discovery of a magical society off in a place like Venezuela was intriguing. Zach appeared sympathetic that her trip had been cut short. It was, of course, understandably. A death of a family member ought to be an occasion for one to return home, but right in the middle of an important discovery! How unfortunate.
"Do you think you'll be returning? I do hope your compatriots are owling you updates on the search."
"My friend and his apprentice believe so. They've been studying the natives for going on six years now, learning the language, but they live much different than we do in their tribes. It's my understanding their magic is much less civilized. It's also difficult to separate their magic from their folklore; it has led them down a few dead ends. I'm hoping to read his latest research before replicating it and passing it along. Would you like a copy?"
He paused, realizing he was likely rambling. He reached out and took the offered book, thumbing carefully through the pages. From the limited description he had, it seemed as if it were the most likely culprit.
"I believe so! Good eye, Miss Smith."
RE: Lost in Time -
Jupiter Smith - June 16, 2020
The odds weren't favorable for her to be able to return to an open position in Venezuela. Jo had hoped to make the trip back across the Atlantic in April, but seeing as Mars was now pregnant on top of being a widow it just simply didn't seem possible. "Hopefully." She said brightly, not wanting to sour the mood with further disappointments. There was a piece of her that still hoped to enioy more of Mr. Binns than she had in the Americas and a sad demeanor wasn't the way to get there.
She listened in fascination as he explained. Tribal magic was common enough, but where had they learned it? (The question of where magic originated from was like to be one of the unknown answers of the world, like Jesus.) "Absolutely, please do. It sounds like fascinating work. Did any of the local lore tie back to known religions? I wonder if there are any connections." There were magical folk born to muggles and squibs born to magical folk (poor Uranus). Something — be it a force of nature or a god — had to be spreading the gift of magic.
"Great! I'm glad it wasn't a wasted trip for you. Here, come with me and I'll wrap it for you." Jo continued cheerfully as she led him again towards the back of the shop where the office was. The materials to wrap the book were just on the other side of the door. "Do you already have a buyer lined up for it?"
RE: Lost in Time -
Zachariah Binns - June 17, 2020
Zachariah grinned easily when it sounded like there may be a possibility of her returning to Venezuela.
"I hope you shall return, as well." He stated emphatically.
With a delighted look, he quickly reached into his robes and pulled out a bit of parchment and a muggle pen. They were much less messy and portable. He was sure not to display it when he was around those who had more conservative opinions about blood status. Zachariah jotted himself down a note, even though he was sure he wouldn't forget Miss Smith when he was to send out the duplicates. Perhaps, he might even deliver it personally, when the time came.
"That is hard to say. From what Bilius has said there seems to be variations, even between tribes, about their views on religion. It's somewhat similar to the tribes in the Americas, but absolutely unique to the area. Some tribes have been seeing some influence from those living in the colonies, but he is rather far off on his own and has narrowed in one tribe in particular for this work. Last I spoke with him, he had finally reached some understanding with the peoples, and then he fell silent for some time. It's very easy to become engrossed in one's work." He paused, smiling. He could become long winded when excited.
"I am hopeful there will be more on the subject in his latest research."
He followed Jo to the office, trying to keep his eyes from wandering to the shelves they passed. He was determined to leave with just the one book.
"I do, and she was most upset I hadn't informed her of it before now."