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I'm Not the Only One - Diana Abbott - January 13, 2020
It was a lovely wedding. A society wedding, but a lovely wedding, Diana thought, with everyone dressed their best. Calliope Zabini was dressed quite splendidly in a beautiful off-white gown that Allegra Fawley said was made in Paris. It was the beginning of what she had long since endured since she'd had her first failed season. Constant barely-there comments that served their purpose of reminding Diana that she was, in fact, not married.
Despite being surrounded by the typical pomp and circumstance of the upper class, there was a certain comfort she felt in being among her own. Despite the fact that her dress was cinched so tightly she had to think carefully about how much she tried to expand her ribcage when she breathed.
Despite...despite the fact that there was a certain someone's prying eyes that she had tried to avoid throughout the entire wedding. It was futile to think that her family would simply attend the ceremony and not stay long afterward for refreshments and congratulations. That was not how the Fawley's attended society events. Even her father - so pragmatic and not one for large crowds - was keen on staying and socializing.
Avoiding him it was then.
The raven-haired debutante had caught herself almost heading towards him multiple times that night; every single near-miss was a small chisel that chipped away at her resolve. While not one to indulge in too many glasses of champagne, Diana did allow herself a 2nd glass. Temptation told her to down it in one gulp, but she nursed it slowly as she made her way through the crowd. Merlin, where was Melody? She'd searched fruitlessly and - once finished with her 2nd glass, went to the refreshment table.
As she opened her mouth to order perhaps a glass of pumpkin juice or elderflower water (a favorite of hers), she found herself nearly colliding with someone. She didn't need to see the face of the person to know who it was. She recognized his scent anywhere she went. It was something that she wanted to run away from and sink into at the same time. Seeing as neither were acceptable in this setting, Diana settled for going completely rigid.
Merlin help her. Avoiding him didn't last long.
RE: I'm Not the Only One - William Abbott - January 13, 2020
Society weddings were a far cry from William's favorite types of events. The celebration of a singular couple for hours on end easily grew tiresome, especially when he neither personally knew or cared for the pair. However, making an appearance was a necessary evil in maintaining the Abbott's social circles. Martha Abbott would curse her son into oblivion if his actions would be the ones to ruin the family name.
After so many years apart, avoiding her came as easily to him as flying. She was the sole beauty of every event he attended, and yet Will still managed to keep his distance. Never once asking for a dance, or offering to fetch her a drink. Hell, he'd even watched Julius dance with her a few months back, admittedly silently fuming at the thought of another man's hands on her.
It wasn't his place to hold such judgements, though. Diana had asked for her space. She ended their easy flirtation with grace. The only option left for Will was to accept it and move on.
Except, tonight she looked like a bloody angel. Tonight, their eyes had met across the room ten times before he thought it possible to approach her. Tonight, Will could no longer maintain the facade of distance.
He hadn't anticipated her turn, and nearly toppled her over as a result. Fuck. Not a great start to what he hoped would be a pleasant conversation. "My apologies, Ms. Fawley. Are you alright?" He asked quickly, steadying her with one hand.
RE: I'm Not the Only One - Diana Abbott - January 13, 2020
His name hovered over her lips like a hummingbird over a flower. It was at this present moment that she quite lost her ability to speak. At the same time, there were multiple things that sprung to mind when she opened her mouth.
They were in a very crowded room with many people who had the ability to spread rumors about their interactions. Speak, Diana, speak! Were anyone close enough to them, they might have been able to hear the huff of exasperation that came from her as she resigned herself to this conversation.
She plastered a smile across her face that, despite the situation, was rather easy to recall. It was one that nearly every debutante of her age and station was well trained to execute. There was still an air of intense familiarity with which she regarded him as she met his gaze. "That is quite alright, Mr. Abbott," she replied smoothly, doing her best not to flinch away from his touch. It was too familiar a feeling, even after all this time. "I'm quite well, thank you."
Diana didn't attempt to offer much else in return. Best get this conversation over with as soon as possible.
RE: I'm Not the Only One - William Abbott - January 13, 2020
Any hope he had for their conversation dwindled as he registered the false smile. Will knew her smile - the one where her eyes gleamed - well enough to know the plastered grin on her face was a defense mechanism. The first stone wall of a nearly impenetrable fortress. To school her facial expressions that readily was an impressive feat, he wouldn't deny that, but he had never expected to have to scale those walls again. At least not with her.
Five years was too long to still be in her good graces, he supposed.
"I'm relieved to hear it." If he was smart, he would allow her the ability to walk away. William would understand in no uncertain terms that he was not to approach her again. It was him, after all, who refused to change for her. Too distracted, too caught up in the glory of the game, to ever realize the real prize was the beauty standing before him. Instead, Will would eventually have to stand idly by as he attended her own wedding. He would have to shake hands with her husband and wish them well.
Fuck. He had ruined them.
"Would you care for a dance?" Came instead. So much for allowing her an easy exit from his life.
RE: I'm Not the Only One - Diana Abbott - January 13, 2020
It was with satisfaction and perhaps sadness that Diana knew he knew what her facial expressions meant. There was no need for language of fans for them to read each other so well. Her façade faltered as her mouth popped open in surprise. She felt a swell of indignation rise, and she very nearly broke her own mask to glower at him. Even more was her frustration that she couldn't act as familiar with him as she actually was to tell him off. That was twice in the space of sixty seconds that he'd rendered her speechless.
He knew she would have wanted to leave as quickly as possible from this scenario, yet he insisted on locking her into - quite literally - this dance of societal politeness. There was no not accepting his offer. Back was the polite smile and she nodded graciously as the music started to swell indicating a new song. "I should be honored, Mr. Abbott." she replied, curtsying.
RE: I'm Not the Only One - William Abbott - January 13, 2020
For a moment, William thought she might disobey social niceties and refuse him. To do so would be well within her right, too. After all, it was he who nearly ruined her dress tonight. He believed that she would've preferred it too. Then, there could be no plastered smiles and stiff dances. If he had thought clearly enough to spill his whiskey down onto her, then she would've been able to make her escape without even having said two words to him.
The music began, and, just as they used to years ago, William took her hand and led her out onto the floor. The song the band chose was slower than the previous few, a jarring change. He shot her a quick apologetic glance as they began the first steps of the dance in silence. After a minute or so, he could stand the silence no longer. To have her so close and yet so far was torturous. "You look beautiful." He complimented her quietly, so that even the closest pair couldn't overhear them. The compliment likely wouldn't help his cause, but it was true all the same.
RE: I'm Not the Only One - Diana Abbott - January 13, 2020
It was the first contact they'd had in five years. His hand felt warm - familiar, and Diana did her best to prevent herself from grasping his hand and holding it close. Of course, this dance was not to be a fast one. Had Diana been positive no one knew anything about their previous relationship she would have thought someone was playing a trick on them.
His compliment hit her like a wall.
She was squeezing his hand before she realized it, praying she didn't trip on her dress. It took all of her training to keep the gentle, polite smile on her face as she regained her composure. Back was the gentle grip. "Thank you," she replied, her lips barely moving as they parted to move in opposite circles. As she moved away, she pursed her lips, realizing the absence of his touch also had an effect on her. Merlin, help her.
This was her fault. While she might harbor resentment towards him, in the end, she knew she was the one to break their contact. Perhaps this was proper compensation for her actions.
Now it was her turn to say something, of course. To comment on the weather or perhaps the state of the party. The bride's dress, or perhaps the way the groom looked at his future bride walking down the aisle.
"I trust your family is in good health?"
Would that a hole opened in the floor to swallow her entire person.
RE: I'm Not the Only One - William Abbott - January 16, 2020
Even when the dance required he step in with a new partner, Will could hardly look away from her. What he would give to turn back time, to agree to commit to her, to not have spent half a decade without her light in his life. His less than stellar quidditch career didn't lift his spirits as much as having her hand in his own did. He was stupid, a bloody stupid fool, for not having realized it sooner.
He nearly tripped over her feet as she squeezed his hand. It was the first gesture of recognition she gave him since their near collision. Diana had always been perfectly poised, the glittering example of how a lady should act, and to see that he still had any effect on her stunned him. "I'm sorry." He muttered as their steps quickly realigned. The mistep was not likely to have been noticed by anyone unless their eyes were glued to the dancing couple. Still, William would certainly be paying more attention to his feet for the time being.
There were many topics Will wished to discuss with her, the foremost of which was to expand upon his apology, but small talk about his family wasn't one of them. Their families were the largest culprits of their demise, and he couldn't think of that now. If only he had approached her privately instead of near a packed dance floor. Fuck. He truly was the champion of idiocracy tonight.
"Yes. They're well." He answered simply. She could hardly be expecting full details on his siblings' lives, just as he didn't anticipate a lengthy answer from his question, "and yours?"
RE: I'm Not the Only One - Diana Abbott - February 19, 2020
She could feel the color rising in her cheeks as she stepped through the dance with a ghost of a smile on her face. Appearances must be kept to and she would do it as best she could. With those appearances came the tedious and sonorous chit-chat they were both being subjected to. "Yes, they are well." She said, her tone clipped as she switched hands. This was all rather unnecessary, though she knew she felt like punshing him for what he'd done.
Another sigh, then: "Everyone's just fine, mother is her usual self and Cordelia, my cousin was made Prefect at Hogwarts." A feat Allegra couldn't wait to hold over her own daughter for not making it. "We are all very proud."
RE: I'm Not the Only One - William Abbott - February 21, 2020
He nodded stiffly, for he suspected even if someone in her family wasn't well she wouldn't deem him the sort to share that information with. "Congratulations to her." He said, completely unsure of what else to add.
Thankfully, before he had to torture them both more with smalltalk the dance concluded. William dropped her hand (the loss immediately noticeable) and stepped back. He bowed politely in her direction, his every movement stiff and calculated. "Good evening," came lastly, as he turned on his heel and left her to continue on with her evening.
It was better this way.
RE: I'm Not the Only One - Diana Abbott - March 7, 2020
It was the horrible pause that stretched out when both parties knew there was simply too much history between them. Of course, it was accompanied by the horrific sinking and empty feeling in her stomach.
The stiff bow seemed to be the proverbial nail in the coffin. Guilt over how she'd just treated him came over her and it was all she could do to keep her posture straight and her eyes devoid of emotion. Keeping the pleasant smile on her face took all the recalling of debutante training she had. "Thank you Mr. Abott, good evening to you as well." she said quietly before turning on her heel and making her way to the powder room.