Business Time -
Tiberius Lestrange - January 12, 2020
January 20th, 1890 — Antigone's Bedroom, Oakshire Hall
Since June, Tiberius had been visiting his wife whenever the whim struck him. This was a stark change from their relationship previously. He'd always tried to treat his wife as respectfully as possible in the bedroom (except when she provoked him into doing otherwise), and had been strategic about his visits there — frequent enough to get her to conceive, followed by nearly a year of avoiding the bedroom after she announced she was pregnant. Since the last pregnancy had failed — well, there really hadn't been any point, from his perspective. He had never seen Antigone as a means to meet his needs in that regard — there were whores, paid or otherwise, for that.
Now, things were different. Closer to the affair he'd been carrying on with Valeria, during the early years of her marriage. He enjoyed these encounters, and had reason to suspect that she did, too. Antigone might never actually come out and admit as much, but she didn't stop him from visiting or question him when he came — and what was more, there was something about her body language during these interactions that lead him to the conclusion that she wouldn't have complained. Maybe she even craved his touch when they went too long between visits — but if that was true, he knew neither of them would ever admit to it.
It was late enough that he supposed she might have already been in her dressing gown, so Tiberius undressed in his room and wore a house coat across the hall. He found her sitting on the bed when he came in, and crossed to sit behind her. His hands slid over her hips as he leaned down to lightly kiss her neck. "Good evening, Antigone," he said in greeting. They did not tend to speak much during these little encounters — which was perfectly fine by him — but he still felt there ought to be
some sort of interaction to get them started, so to speak.
RE: Business Time -
Antigone Lestrange - January 12, 2020
Tig was sat on the edge of her bed teasing Moselle by prodding her ball of yarn away from her repeatedly. It was vaguely diverting. The sound of the door opening disrupted this and Moselle took her opportunity to grab the yarn and run off with it. She didn't bother looking over her shoulder to see who it was because anyone else would have announced themselves at the door.
It was only after he had situated himself and greeted her that she allowed herself to turn her face to the side in acknowledgement. She hadn't needed to wait until he put his hands on her to know what was on his mind. Even before it had somehow become a somewhat regular occurrence it wasn't as though he was likely to enter her room at night for anything else, like an evening gossip or to wish her a good night. Suddenly her barrenness seemed very convenient.
"Tiberius," she said coolly. She had taken to a facade of aloofness when he came in to her room like this as it pleased her to highlight the fact that he was seeking her out. It was a facade that fell quite quickly once she felt her point had been made and self-gratification became the greater priority.
RE: Business Time -
Tiberius Lestrange - January 12, 2020
That was probably enough conversation.
Tiberius reached up briefly to move her hair out of the way, pushing it over her shoulder so that he could have freer access to her neck. She'd turned her head towards him and he'd found himself drawn to her earlobe, for some reason. Her skin there was so soft and clean. He pulled it into his mouth and ran his tongue over it, then let out a soft sigh right against her cheek.
He shifted his position on the bed so that he could slide one knee on either side of her, putting him in a better position to — well, do anything he wanted, really. He let his hands roam, his right sliding downwards towards the space between her legs while his left drifted up towards her right breast, caressing it through the thin, silky fabric of her nightgown.
It took him a second to realize that something was different. He let go of her earlobe and tried to put his finger on what it was. His brow knit in confusion and he turned to look at her face, as though there would be an obvious explanation written there.
RE: Business Time -
Antigone Lestrange - January 13, 2020
There was a certain challenge in trying to seem like she was being reluctantly polite in obliging him when the reality was that she was quite readily cooperating. By now it had become like a game to her. She thought she was playing the game quite well so far, she didn't think she'd given him any obvious reason to think that within the confines of her mind she was encouraging him nor had she been so aloof that he stopped.
So when he suddenly stopped she couldn't understand why. That was when she really lost the game, a scowl formed on her face faster than she could do anything to stop it. Naturally he chose that moment to look her directly in the face which only made her scowl deepen for having been caught. "What?"
RE: Business Time -
Tiberius Lestrange - January 13, 2020
She was scowling; he had caught her at something, he supposed. The problem was that he still hadn't determined exactly what it was, but now that she was giving him
that look he felt he had to stop — er, exploring — to try to put his finger on the answer. He moved his right hand down to rest on the bedspread beside him, and was about to move his left away from her chest when it suddenly struck him. That was it — that was the difference.
"Your breast," he said, glancing down at it. His hand still rested there, though obviously he'd stopped caressing her. He didn't know what to make of this development.
RE: Business Time -
Antigone Lestrange - January 13, 2020
Still scowling, Tig looked downwards for a moment and then back to him. What was she supposed to be looking at? Was he trying to suggest there was something wrong with it? She was well aware she wasn't in possession of what one might call an ample bosom but this was hardly their wedding night. Whatever his problem was it was clearly imaginary and definitely not worth interrupting things for. If he was trying to rudely point out that she didn't have much there then he'd missed that boat a long time ago, in fact now that he'd drawn her attention to them it seemed her own evaluation of them even a bit harsh. "Yes. It is."
RE: Business Time -
Tiberius Lestrange - January 13, 2020
Her statement didn't read to him the way she intended. Rather than hearing that as
yes, it is my breast he thought she was acknowledging the assumption he'd made but hadn't actually stated yet. Tiberius couldn't stop the way his eyebrows raised at the idea of that.
"What are you —?" he started, then broke off when he realized he wasn't sure what he was trying to say. What question did he even want to ask? He had several in mind, but he supposed the most pressing was: "Why?"
RE: Business Time -
Antigone Lestrange - January 13, 2020
Confusion crept into her scowl. Was she missing something? He surely wasn't asking her why she had breasts that was ridiculous he wasn't stupid. However he was being incredibly obscure which only increased her frustration which made her want to treat him like he was stupid. "I'm a woman." She stared into his eyes and willed him not to be so dense. "Does that clear it up for you?"
RE: Business Time -
Tiberius Lestrange - January 13, 2020
"What?" Tiberius responded, more confused than he had been before. Was she trying to be sarcastic? Funny? He had no idea, and no context within which he could place her remarks where they would make any sort of sense. "No. Not in the slightest. What are you — what are you playing at?"
RE: Business Time -
Antigone Lestrange - January 13, 2020
For once she had quite literally done nothing to warrant such a question. What was he even referring to?! "You tell me! Are they suddenly inadequate for you, your highness?" The size of her chest wasn't something she felt particularly insecure about but she also wasn't going to tolerate him deciding that there was something wrong with her.
RE: Business Time -
Tiberius Lestrange - January 13, 2020
Tiberius blinked at the unexpected question. Did she think... was
that the impetus for this sudden change? He would have thought she would have at least confirmed her suspicions with him first before taking steps to correct what she must have perceived as a deficit, but apparently not.
"Is that what you think?" he asked, leaning back towards the bed post so that he could look at her properly. "I've never had a problem with your breasts."
Merlin, where would she have even gotten that idea? He hadn't done much of anything with them until the shift in their intimacy patterns the past summer, but apparently whatever he had started doing was wrong... or insufficient, he wasn't sure which. Had she been sitting on this idea for that long? Subtly researching something to do about it? He'd had long-term research projects before, so he understood the impulse to hold onto a problem like that through the course of months... but then why play dumb when he noticed it? It seemed that if she'd gone through all the effort, she'd want to brag about it, not sweep it under the rug. Unless she thought she'd been subtle enough in the application that he wouldn't notice, and she was embarrassed to have been found out so soon?
RE: Business Time -
Antigone Lestrange - January 13, 2020
It was only getting more confusing. As she'd thought up until this moment - not that she'd really even considered it at all before - he hadn't had an issue before, so why now? Unless he didn't have an issue but then why else had they gotten into this discussion? "What changed then?" Tig realized belatedly that her voice had crept up in volume with her frustration. "Why did you stop?!"
RE: Business Time -
Tiberius Lestrange - January 13, 2020
What sort of madness was this? She knew what had changed, so what was her game in trying to pretend that she didn't? Did she seriously think that just continuing to pretend as though nothing had happened would somehow get him to agree that her version of reality was correct? Maybe there was some other magic that she'd tried to put into play here, some illusion spell that was intended to make him believe what she said (or implied) rather than the proof of his own senses, but if that was the case, whatever spell she'd cast wasn't working as intended. He wasn't fooled.
"Your breasts are bigger," he said, almost like an accusation.
RE: Business Time -
Antigone Lestrange - January 13, 2020
"What? That's nonsense! Don't be ridiculous!" Even as she said it she started to doubt herself. Could they be? It wasn't like she paid them a great deal of attention, it might have slipped her notice. Tig felt around her chest. "They feel the same to me anyway." She cupped her breasts and remained bemused. "Maybe your hands shrunk."
RE: Business Time -
Tiberius Lestrange - January 13, 2020
"They did
not," Tiberius responded hotly. He felt as though she were making fun of him, at this point, and he didn't care for it. Nodding aggressively in the direction of her breasts, he said, "Take your dress off. Let me see."
RE: Business Time -
Antigone Lestrange - January 13, 2020
Irritated enough to not think twice about it, Tig lifted the corners of her nightgown. "I'm only doing this to prove you wrong!" she insisted as she was pulling it over her head. Once her head was free she lobbed it at the floor. "There, see, absolutely the same!" She snatched a brief glance towards her chest and started doubting herself again. No, she was just being paranoid now they looked the same, they had to. "What does it matter anyway?" she concluded snappishly.