It has come to my attention that there have, of late, been some viscious and entirely baseless rumors circulating to my detriment. If you happen to have heard any of them, I implore you to disregard them as I can assure you they are entirely false.
Ah, yes. My mother has made me quite aware of the fact that you apparently have run off on me - to retrieve a supposed love child with your lover to boot! Even had I believed such nonsense, you writing me makes it quite clear that no running off of the sort has occurred.
I do wonder, however, what has happened? I am aware that the recent Celtic Festival contained some manners of trickery. Were you among its victims?
Whatever I have done to deserve a man so sensible and good as you? It was, in fact, the Festival which was to blame, and I swear I shall never visit another street fair as long as I live!
Luckily, the Ministry was able to detach that loathesome Quidditch player from me (not that there is anything particularly odious about Mr. Bixby, I suppose, only that the fact of having seen him so consistently the past few days and now of course the rumors regarding our supposed affair have made him quite odious to me) and I am once more at home, alone.