Making Plans - Printable Version

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Making Plans - Madeleine Backus - November 5, 2019

Dear Cane,
I hope this letter finds you well.  I had hoped to be back in England before you returned to school but our steamer was way laid by a storm and it took us longer to return than we had hoped.  I suppose it serves us right for travelling like muggles. 

Since you have now returned to Hogwarts, I wonder if you might have time on your next Hogwarts weekend to have a brief tea with your sister? I can meet you at any time that suits you, as I am sure your friends will have demands on your time that weekend as well. 

I have picked up a few things that you might be interested in on my travels and hope they will see you through some quiet nights in the common room.

Your loving sister

Included are two books - a french book on transfiguration, and a russian book on russian magical creatures, and an enchanted magnifying glass that translates text as its moved over it.

Cane Backus

RE: Making Plans - Cane Backus - January 4, 2020

November 6, 1889

People have gone missing in random places thanks to portkeyss so travelling the muggle way was probably for the best even with the delays. My next Hogsmeade Weekend is on November 16th.

Thank you for the gifts, this magnifying glass is amazing and allows me to be able to read books that were literally written in Greek!
