Having been the first to...discover the flight instructor's state—food poisoning. An unpleasant sight and an unpleasant smell—Nikolai had been entrusted to post the year's house quidditch rosters, an ironic twist, given his utter disinterest in the sport.
Shortly after lunch, the professor did just that, pinning the roster on the notice board outside the school's Great Hall.
15th September, 1889
Gryffindor Roster:
Mr. R. Pyrites (7), Captain and Chaser
Mr. C. Gillenwater (4) and Miss M. Bell (3), Chasers
Mr. C. Bulstrode (2) and Miss Stella De Loncrey (6), Beaters
Miss H. Fairchild (4), Keeper
Miss S. Bixby (3), Seeker
Hufflepuff Roster:
Mr. G. Warbeck (7), Captain and Seeker
Miss C. Potts (3), Mr. A. Crabbe (2), and Mr. King Lukeson (6), Chasers
[Names Here], Beaters
Mr. Paxton Fudge (2), Keeper
Ravenclaw Roster:
Miss C. Weasley (6), Captain and Chaser
[Name Here] and Mr. Archie Diggory (1), Chasers
Mr. J. Rookwood (6) and Mr. Nelson Higgs (5), Beaters
Mr. T. Montgomery (5), Keeper
Mr. G. Waterford (5), Seeker
Slytherin Roster:
Mr. E. Bones (7), Captain and Beater
Mr. E. Urquart (4), [Name Here], and Mr. Leif Heaney (1), Chasers
Mr. Narcissus Laurent (5), Beater
Mr. T. Fraser (6), Keeper
Mr. A. Abney (6), Seeker
Please consult your captain regarding training times.