Wanna Be Best Friends? - Sunday Fudge - September 7, 2019
1 September 1889 - The Great Hall; Opening Ceremony
She and Archie didn't end up in the same house. Sunday had to pout at that, for she was greatly hoping that she would see a familiar face at the dining table at her first meal. Holliday and Irene and Paxton were right though, this food was delicious! She first tried a bit of the duck roast, but after a few swigs, the new Gryffindor found she enjoyed pumpkin juice the most.
While everyone at the Gryffindor table was so nice and friendly, she did wonder how her new friend had faired at the Ravenclaw table. Archie had seemed slightly worried about making new friends, and Sunday frankly felt that they were already good friends. What she'd said in the boat was true, she had a feeling they'd have classes together and would be able to at least study in the library on the same homework at some point. She wasn't sure how she'd fare in her classes, but Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart, right? Holliday sure was! Archie probably was too he just didn't know it.
With fairly dry (albeit rather crinkled) clothes now, she hopped up and trotted over to the Ravenclaw table, first to say hi to Holliday and gush about the boatride over, and then over to Archie. She gave him very little warning - just chirped, "Hi!" next to his ear before prodding him on the shoulder.
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Archie Diggory - September 7, 2019
The sorting ceremony had not turned out as nerve-wracking as he'd imagined, and within a few minutes of entering the Great Hall he'd found himself sorted into Ravenclaw. On the bright side was the fact that none of the other students seemed unfriendly, and most were quick to welcome him to Ravenclaw house, but on the downside he had no friends or family members to sit with. Everyone around him was a stranger, and although he was hyper-aware that some of these students might turn out to be lifelong friends by the end of the year, he knew they weren't yet.
He caught himself looking towards the Gryffindor table for Sunday sometime after the feast began, but his efforts were in vain as she'd disappeared from her seat. He hoped she would find friends there, too, but he didn't doubt for a second that she would; she was friendly, outgoing, and not at all annoying. The professors would know her name and the other students might recognize her for her family name.
He had more than just Sunday on his mind, though. During the sorting ceremony there had been another Diggory in attendance—a Diggory he didn't know. He wasn't sure how common that name was in magical Britain, and there was always a chance that they were unrelated, but he had this nagging feeling that they were.
He didn't have much time to worry about it, though, because he quickly found himself too concerned by his speeding heart rate at the sudden chirp in his ear. "Sunday!" he gasped, turning around to flash her a disapproving glance. "You've almost given me a heart attack. Where did you come from?" he asked, instinctively scooting over to make room for the new Gryffindor.
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Sunday Fudge - September 7, 2019
1 September 1889 - The Great Hall; Opening Ceremony
"Well I just thought Id come and say hello!" Sunday said, grateful that Archie had already started to make room for her since she'd already automatically moved to take a seat anyways. She beamed at him. While her clothes and hair had significantly dried due to the excess warmth in the Great Hall, her hair still was rather....unruly, and it appeared as if the 11-year-old had just received the business end of an Electrocuting Charm. "I'm sorry if I've given you a fright, I didn't mean to. I've just come from saying hello to my sister, Holliday. She's in your house, though a few years above you and I - oh!" A small goblet had appeared in front of her and automatically filled itself with more pumpkin juice. Just as well, since she'd already been wishing she'd brought a goblet with her on her detour.
Clasping the goblet between her two small hands, she leaned forwards slightly to look around at the new Ravenclaws. Some faces she recognized from the train ride over, though she hadn't seen the person who threw up yet. She did wonder though... "Where's that other Diggory fellow?" she questioned, leaning back a little bit to peer around the tables. "Who is he, Archie? I thought you didn't know anyone else at Hogwarts!" She also could have misremembered and her fall into the Black Lake could have discombobulated her further.
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Archie Diggory - September 7, 2019
As she sat down, Archie subtlety examined her—and had to hold back his smile the whole time. Her hair matted in some places and looked like straw in others, but her spirits hadn't been weighed down by the incident. Nobody around them seemed to care either as a new round of food seemed to appear out of thin air.
"Well I'm glad you did," he offered, hoping he hadn't made her feel unwelcome. He delighted in her company after minutes of awkwardly smiling at the people across from him as he reached for something to eat. It was easy to feel lonely when chatter filled the air but not his side of the table. "Holliday you said? Maybe I'll meet her sometime soon. The older Ravenclaws seem friendly enough." And he couldn't imagine anyone related to Sunday being mean.
His distraction soon betrayed him, and the subject of the other Diggory—the cousin? or the stranger?—came back up.
"I was telling the truth. I have no idea who he is," he said, his eyes drifting towards the area in the room where the other Diggory had headed after being sorted. Archie would eventually confront him about his heritage—eventually being the key word. The last thing he wanted to do was find out that the Diggorys were some affluent wizarding family and he, the son of a muggleborn, was some long-lost relation through a squib who was thrown out of the house. That would be less than ideal.
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Sunday Fudge - September 7, 2019
1 September 1889 - The Great Hall; Opening Ceremony
Sunday hadn't met a lot of the other Ravenclaws - and she'd honestly only really ever heard of that horrid girl who'd bullied Holliday and her friends. But she knew that didn't mean all Ravenclaws were bad - after all her sister was one as well as her new friend! She'd stopped looking about at his explanation. "Oh, I wasn't accusing you of not telling the truth!" she said definitively, patting him once again on the hand. "How curious, perhaps he is a long lost relative!" she thought aloud, thinking that this was most advantageous for Archie! "You'll have another friend here afterall!"
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Archie Diggory - September 15, 2019
Archie didn't even take notice of her hand on his, as his attention had strayed towards the Hufflepuff table. The boy was somewhere over there, wearing his last name and potentially being related to him. How many Diggorys were there in magical Britain? Would he find more Diggorys as he continued to meet other students at the school?
"Perhaps," he said quietly, "or maybe he'll want nothing to do with me. What do I even say?" he asked, glancing back towards her with furrowed brows. "I don't think 'Hi, I'm Archie and I think we're cousins' would suffice. What if we're not?" How awkward that would be!
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Sunday Fudge - September 16, 2019
Sunday furrowed her brows at his comment. The idea that his potential cousin wouldn't want to talk to him was foreign to her, for she'd have such a grand time discovering that she had an unknown cousin in her year at Hogwarts. "Or," she began, taking another definitive sip of her pumpkin juice. "He might be grateful at the idea of having a cousin at Hogwarts and you could become fast friends!" She turned to look at the Hufflepuff table, searching for the head she saw when they called Diggory again after Archie's name.
He seemed to be having a good time - nervous like many other first years, but he looked nice enough. Perhaps it was just presumption but Sunday thought they might bear some resemblance. "And if you're not cousins, then you have a last name in common!" she said reassuringly. "I don't think that's a very common name outside of magical Britain, do you?"
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Archie Diggory - September 17, 2019
Archie had been right in his initial assessment that Sunday was a bit of an optimist. She didn't seem to see the downside in anything, even after she'd fallen off the boat and into the Black Lake. He smiled, albeit a bit nervously, and shrugged his shoulders.
"He might, for sure," he said, not wanting to banter with her when she would undoubtedly win. "But the truth is that I'm just not sure about the last name part. My father's a muggleborn, you see. I don't know of any other magical relatives with the name Diggory." Surely she would see his side with that in mind!
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Sunday Fudge - September 17, 2019
“Oh!” Sunday said in surprise, as if he’d just told her that the weather outside was different than she thought it originally was. “I didn’t know your father was a muggleborn!”
A pensive expression overtook her features as she thought, though there wasn’t much to mull over - she knew little about muggles at all, having spent most of her childhood surrounded by wizards. “Then perhaps you might not be related,” she conceded, leaning her head against her hand as she looked from the other boy to Archie. She could still see some features that might be similar between them, but plenty of young boys their age had brown hair, fair skin and the like.
“Well!” She said, looking down at the golden plate that had just appeared in front of her. Her eyes widened slightly, for just in that moment she’d been craving a bite of apple pie. She gratefully scooped a slice onto her plate. “Then perhaps just introduce yourself and see if it comes up?” She suggested. “We’ll have enough classes together eventually that I dare say it’ll come up at some point or another and you shall have your answer.”
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Archie Diggory - September 17, 2019
Archie smiled sheepishly and nodded. His father's muggle heritage didn't often come up in conversation, nor did he see a reason for it to. He'd always heard that his muggle relatives were a boring bunch, which was one of the many reasons why the Diggory children had never met their grandparents at an age they could remember.
"But what if we are?" he asked, unable to rid the worry from his mind. He really hated drama, especially if it would follow him home from school. What would his father think? Would he be upset? Confused? Guilt-ridden.
He didn't want to imagine it, he thought with a shudder.
"Maybe he won't even think of it. I mean, obviously not everyone in the world with the same surname is related." Still, the what if continued to linger in his head as he turned towards Sunday. It was impossible to rid of the bothered expression on his face, but he hoped that a nice supper would soothe the butterflies in his stomach. He snatched a muffin off Sunday's plate with a mischievous smile and popped it into his mouth unapologetically.
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Sunday Fudge - September 17, 2019
Sunday paused at his question, her fork halfway up to her mouth. Merlin, she didn't think she'd met someone as nervous as Archie - aside from Titus, she added on a second thought. These two together might accidentally kill each other with worry. She blinked, thinking. "Well..." she began, spooning the forkfull into her mouth, buying herself some more time to think.
He shrugged it off before she could even open her mouth again to answer, which was just as well since this apple pie was delicious. "That's true, but I don't think that - hey!" she exclaimed, her mouth popping open in a small "o". He just stole one of her muffins! "Archie, you stole my muffin!" The new Gryffindor pouted, scowling at him and looking from her plate to him. There were more in front of her, but she was glad that he seemed to want to move on from worrying. It was their first night at Hogwarts, afterall!
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Archie Diggory - September 17, 2019
The subject came and passed without much of a fuss being made, which was good. There was no way worse to spend his first evening at Hogwarts fretting over a similarity in names that might turn out to be nothing, especially when there was no evidence that the other Diggory boy being his cousin would be a bad thing. No, it was much better to focus his attention on more entertaining subjects—like a drop-jawed Sunday.
"You - snooze - you - lose," he teased in between bites, struggling to keep his mouth closed as he smiled. He grabbed another muffin, but was kind enough to take one from the general feast area rather than her plate this time. "You know," he said as he swallowed his last bite, "I wonder how they make all this stuff. I don't imagine I could get my Mum to make it like this?"
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Sunday Fudge - September 17, 2019
She had to grin back at him - it was nice to see that he was relaxing a bit more, though she had the strangest feeling that this wouldn't be the first time she'd have to help quell his worries. Perhaps that was what friends did, though. Thinking back on her times at the Sanditon, Sunday had had playmates amongst the guests, however, they were friends that she would only see on holidays - here, she would see her friends every single day except perhaps holidays. The thought made her happy, as she looked around. There were surely people that she would end up friends with by the end of all this. It happened with Archie!
Speaking of whom...she scrunched her nose at him before turning it up in a mockingly snobbish way. "You'll have a stomach ache by the end of the night, Archie!" she said warningly, partially joking. She looked around again at his question and took a bite of a small chocolate frog. They had something similar at the Sanditon, though Sunday wasn't confident the same system was employed here. "We have a cook and maids who do the washing and cooking, perhaps they have more staff we've not met yet!"
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Archie Diggory - September 23, 2019
Although he was set on not allowing his worries about the other Diggory boy to get to him that night, he couldn't help but glance back over towards the Hufflepuff table as he chewed through his snacking. He would talk to him, Archie thought, even if it meant embarrassing himself or uncovering a life-changing revelation.
For now, though, he was content in his spot next to Sunday.
He smiled as she scolded him, admittedly amused by her reaction. He'd already had a stomachache after the adventure they'd been through, but he wouldn't let her know that. "Where did you say you lived again?" He remembered her saying she lived somewhere near the water, but then he'd been thrown off by her actually falling into the water to take much notice on the specifics.
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Sunday Fudge - September 23, 2019
Sunday scooped a few more bites of apple pie into her mouth before answering. Her response didn't exactly need any in-depth thought, however there were few things that distracted the new Gryffindor from present conversation and that was apple pie and strawberry ice cream. Given that the latter was lacking at present, she settled for copious amounts of the former; it would later give her a stomach ache that night.
"The Sanditon Resort!" she declared proudly, wondering if he'd heard of the place. While the resort was well known to people who liked to vacation the 11 year old wasn't entirely sure how well it was known outside of that group.
RE: Wanna Be Best Friends? - Archie Diggory - September 23, 2019
Archie knew he'd heard of the Sanditon Resort, but he also couldn't pin it on a map nor picture it in his mind. It sounded fancy — most resorts were — but that still begged the question why they didn't like in a normal house like a normal family.
"Did your home get burnt to the ground? I've never heard of someone living in a resort before," he said, a little concerned for her well-being at the moment. She didn't look poor, but looks could be deceiving; maybe his mother wouldn't mind harboring a few homeless children during the summer if she had lost her home. (Then again, the thought of subjecting his friends to his parents was as equally horrifying as the prospect of homelessness itself.)