A Request - Printable Version

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A Request - Frida Lestrange - August 13, 2019

August 2nd, 1889
Professor Darrow,
I write to you with a request, one that I'm uncertain will be granted but remain hopeful of nonetheless. I did not perform as well as I'd hoped to on my OWL examinations, especially in History of Magic. Not only was it one of my best classes throughout my five years at Hogwarts, but it was also one of my favorites. I know the material well and always received satisfactory grades on my assignments, but I only achieved an "A" on my OWL examination. I can not say for certain what caused me to achieve such mediocre results, but I would be devastated if I was unable to continue History of Magic at a NEWT level because I failed to secure the "E" I needed.

Is there any chance you might consider allowing me to continue, with the promise that I'll lighten my course load to allow me to focus on your class?

Miss Frida Lestrange

Hamish Darrow

RE: A Request - Hamish Darrow - August 13, 2019

7th August, 1889
Miss Lestrange,

Ordinary Wizarding Levels are a complex beast. Though all efforts, I am sure, are made by the Department of Magical Education to ensure their accuracy, I do indeed share at your surprise in this particular instance, and had hoped that you might reach out. I should be very happy indeed to have you in my NEWT-level course for the coming year, though as your Head of House feel I should urge you to restrict yourself to a handful of courses.

You are a very bright young witch, and deserve the opportunity to show this.

Best wishes,
Professor Darrow