— The —
Daily Prophet
Price One Knut
June 27th, 1889
Bodies Found
Missing Persons Case Solved, Murder Investigation Underway
The bodies of Miss Margaret Rawlinson and her chaperone were found yesterday, in what can only be described as a horrible act of murder. Miss Katherine Midford, a former classmate and fellow debutante, was the individual to find both victims after her dog dug up the bodies.
Miss Midford's chaperone had nothing to say, but the former Head Girl was able to give a comment, “We were appalled at what my dog had found. My chaperone almost fainted upon the sight. Whoever did this to Miss Rawlinson absolutely disgust me, they do not have an ounce of mercy or humanity in them.”
Miss Rawlinson's family has been unavailable for comment. The bodies were both drained of blood. Could this be the work of the same vampire who murdered Jean-Claude Baudelaire? And possibly several other vampire victims to have died recently? If so, it does pose the question as to if the Ministry have the wrong vampire in custody.
"We are, of course, open to all credible possibilities," noted auror Maeve Connolly, "however, given the freshness of this case, cannot say yet whether the two are linked."
Ian Pengloss