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+---- Thread: Matilda & Miss Honey, Goth-Edition: Part II (/showthread.php?tid=3861)
Matilda & Miss Honey, Goth-Edition: Part II - Holly Scrimgeour - June 17, 2019
June 4th, 1889
Madam Sykes,
I don't suppose you dabble in kidnapping as an off-season job? I'm even less fond of London than I was last year despite having a considerable more number of books at my disposal. I desire a companion, yet have no one but my sister and Narcissa Bulstrode to keep me companion. Save me.
RE: Matilda & Miss Honey, Goth-Edition: Part II - Constance Sykes - July 1, 2019
6th June, 1889
Dear Miss Scrimgeour,
I am sorry to hear you so discontent so early in the holidays, quite apart from the company you have to keep - which I am sure cannot be as terrible as it sounds - I know how much you prefer the stimulation of your studies. With that in mind I have enclosed a book I think you might enjoy about the poisonous properties of plants written by a great friend of mine. Even if you do not enjoy the content please do not feel the need to return it to me as I already have three copies courtesy of the author, which I believe may have doubled the print run.
C. Sykes
RE: Matilda & Miss Honey, Goth-Edition: Part II - Holly Scrimgeour - August 3, 2019
June 8th, 1889
Madam Sykes,
The company is more dreadful thank you'd think. I've known Miss Bulstrode since I was a babe, and she had not changed one bit. She is as dull and uninterested in academics as she was at the age of five.
But thank you for the book. I now wish to possess a garden of death-cap and fly agaric mushrooms; I think it would suit me well. I wonder how legal they are to harvest in the London suburbs.
RE: Matilda & Miss Honey, Goth-Edition: Part II - Constance Sykes - August 17, 2019
17th August, 1889
Dear Miss Scrimgeour,
The summer seems to have flown past rather swiftly and I am finally returned from my travels abroad. I'll be staying in London until the beginning of term now so, if your parents are agreeable and you haven't procured them already, perhaps I could take you to Diagon Alley for your new school books?
RE: Matilda & Miss Honey, Goth-Edition: Part II - Holly Scrimgeour - August 18, 2019
August 20th, 1889
Madam Sykes,
I hope your travels were safe and productive. I would gladly welcome your company on my school shopping excursion. I doubt my step-mother would allow me to linger in the bookshop as you might, and would be even less likely to offer advice when it comes to materials for my new electives.