How has summer been for you so far? It feels weird being outside of Hogwarts. Some of my friends mentioned that Witch Weekly said that Hogwarts might only allow learning from books. Is that true? Do they even tell you if it is, or do only the heads of house and their bosses know?
If that's true, I hope they don't ban quidditch. What an awful thought. Especially since I just became captain. How would anyone learn potions anyway? Or wand movements, really, if you think about it.
Summer has been nice so far, though a bit dull. Still wondering what I want to do with my life. Next year will be my last year. How weird is that? Being an adult and all. It's hard to imagine.
It is as strange for me to be without classes to teach as it is for you to not need to attend them, I can assure you! I bet you've never seen the castle so empty as I did on the day after you all left it! If everyone wasn't already entirely familiar with the ghosts, I'd call it haunted.
Don't let the thought of the future haunt you, either. I should not think that Witch Weekly has ever been the authority on the school's plans for its students, so I would take that news with a pinch of salt - although you're probably right that I, junior professor as I am in the scheme of things, would not be the first to hear. A shame for them, then, that even if my subject is not the most practical, that most of its theory comes from a time before books were even invented. Whatever shall they say to me about that? I can't imagine that they would refuse to teach spellwork, though. Whatever would be the point of your NEWTs then?
Speaking of which, I shouldn't worry about what's beyond that. Worry about getting past your NEWTs first. And I'll tell you a secret, Lucky: plenty of adults don't have the faintest idea what they're doing with their lives.
All you have to do to be successful in life is, well... live. At least a little. And if it's any comfort, eventual death is, at least, a certain future.
Perhaps you could sneak me back in for a tour after I leave next year? As a celebration of my graduating. That can happen, right? On that note, what is Peeves like after all of the students leave? Did you even see him around? Is he simply floating about or getting into trouble despite the lack of audience?
Thank you for the advise Melly. I do hope that my scores are good. Wouldn't want to have dreadful NEWTs and have wasted a couple of years that could have been spent seeking out a job. Though it wouldn't be entirely wasted as I think about it. I wouldn't have been a captain if I hadn't stayed past my OWLs. How strange life is, with the different paths in life we could have taken and how it might have changed who we are.
Do you think I could convince mother to send me to the Sanditon? That could be fun.
I can't do that! It'll make you too sad to see it! But yes, Peeves is still as Peevish as always, though one does not see him about as much. I had thought he might go into summer hibernation, but of course he hasn't any need of sleep - so instead he keeps the poor caretaker busy.
You musn't think about failure so much. You'll curse yourself into it. And of course you won't fail your NEWTs, Lucky, you're much too clever for that. As long as you divide your attentions between schoolwork and quidditch (- though I'm sure Jossima has advised you quite differently!)
But I do think the Sanditon is a good idea. I visited it last summer, and it really is a quaint place, a perfect holiday. Somewhere you can relax. If you can't convince mother yourself, I'll add my two sickles to the conversation.