Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Aldous Crouch - March 9, 2018
If you don't know the deal, google it
Eileen Buchanan, Cassandra Trelawney, @"Dionisia Tweedy"
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Xavier Montfault - March 9, 2018
Bed Eileen
Wed Dionisia
Behead Cassandra
Esteban Zavala Theseus Greengrass Atticus Sharpe
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Fortuna Bixby - March 9, 2018
Bed Atticus
Wed Theseus
Behead Esteban
@"Tatiana Lestrange"
Adelia Lovegood @"Ellory Pendergast"
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Elladora Black - March 9, 2018
Bed Adelia. Just to see if she cries during.
Wed Tatiana. What a team they'd make. If only they could spawn...
Behead Ellory. Sorry Ellory but you're too enthusiastic about things.
Leon Lupin Barnabas Skeeter Magnus Lockhart
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Rufina Mulciber - March 9, 2018
'Fina-bean woulddddd...
BED Magnus #DatQuidditchBod
WED Leon #DatPureBlood
BEHEAD Barney #DatCaneAndShittyAttitude
BED, WED, BEHEAD... Lauren's Lesbians* Ladies!
Elladora Black Constance Sykes Annabelle Bones
*Lauren only has two lesbians. She must fix this immediately as she is un-type-casting herself, the twatwaffle.
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Clinton Podmore - March 9, 2018
Bed Constance cause why not.
Wed Annabelle cause, hello cougar.
Behead Elladora cause she's scary.
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Lucy Pettigrew - March 9, 2018
Luce would:
Bed - Nik because he is a sexy stranger and even Lauren would.
Wed - Lucius because Lestrange and she probably wouldn't notice the occasional shadiness.
she would also love a gay step-son, just sayin'
Behead - Balt because she knows his mother and prob saw him grow up and though she flirts heavily with Thom's friends it's probably a bit much...
Apprentice/Trainee edition:
Rebecca Grey Gemma Simpson Terpsichore Van Helsing
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Marcus Lytton - March 9, 2018
Marcus would:
Bed Terpsichore because he's into blondes
Wed Gemma because she's the most respectable of the bunch
Behead Rebecca - sorry Becky!
Justin Ross J. Alfred Darrow Jack Humphrey-Mavis
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Tessa Darrow - March 9, 2018
Bed — Justin Ross (how aWKWARD tho)
Wed — Jack H-M bc he's cute (and tbh
not the others)
Behead — J. Alfred because I'm FAIRLY sure Tessie isn't into cousincest
aaand post-retcon class change editionnn
Marcus Lytton Xavier Montfault Alfred Clearwater
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Odira Keene - March 19, 2018
Bed Xavier
Wed Marcus
Behead Alfred. Sorry, Alfie!
BED, WED, BEHEAD... Working Class Lads!
Declan Wood Esteban Zavala Lupus Jameshill
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Dionisia Fisk - March 20, 2018
Bed — Declan because he hasn't annoyed her enough to behead him
Wed — Esteban because he seems the like the type she'd get along with
Behead — Lupus because he was weird and mean D<
Ladies of Impending
(or already there!) Spinsterhood
Maeve Connolly Porphyria Dempsey Virginia Carmichael
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Reuben Crouch - March 20, 2018
Bed Maeve because she's attractive and sassy and seemed like she'd be fun in bed when they met. Also because his brothers would disapprove like crazy of him marrying into that family. #keepingthepeace #kindof
Behead Phyri because her morbid poetry stuff would make him uncomfortable.
Wed Ginny and hope that if Aldous disowned him for marrying a halfblood her family would float the difference in income >>
Men With Kids But No Wives:
Charles Macmillan August Echelon-Arnost Balthazar Urquart
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Fortuna Bixby - March 20, 2018
Bed Charles cause that smolder.
Wed August cause he seems the safest best.
Behead Balt cause he didn't pick her and she doesn't forget.
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Tierney Walsh - March 20, 2018
Bed — Ruth because she seems like she'd be fun
enough in bed
Wed — Becky because it seems like they'd mesh well-ish (???)
Behead — Maggie because she seems like an uptight bore to him
The Pendergast Ladies!
Evelyn Abercrombie @"Ellory Pendergast" @"Minnie Pendergast"
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Clinton Podmore - March 20, 2018
Bed Evelyn cause she's pretty enough.
Wed Minnie cause he actually quite enjoyed her company.
Behead Ellory cause she's crazy.
Business Owner Edition
Quincey Honeyduke Philip Calendar Philip Aymslowe
RE: Bed, Wed, Behead: Ressurection -
Tessa Darrow - March 20, 2018
Bed — Philip A. because he's cute
Wed — Quin because he's also cute and she's met him before
Behead — Philip C. because he's the only married one and encouraging adultery is not her thang
hmm Marauder Ancestors!
Leon Lupin Thom Pettigrew Phineas Black