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+---- Thread: Enoch Rosier vs. Hudson Woodcroft (/showthread.php?tid=3494)
Enoch Rosier vs. Hudson Woodcroft - Nikolai Sleptov - February 24, 2019
February 2nd, 1889 — Howler Stadium
They were coming down to it now, and with two aurors stood before him, Nikolai Sleptov had high hopes for a particularly engaging—and skilled—duel. It was rather a shame, he thought, that Rosier and Woodcroft would not be coming up against one another in the final round, but there was hardly anything Nik could do about that. Quickly, he reviewed the rules, knowing both gentleman would know them backwards and forwards by now.
RE: Enoch Rosier vs. Hudson Woodcroft - Enoch Rosier - February 24, 2019
This was it. Only two more opponents to take down before he would receive bragging rights once more and, for once, he had a worthy opponent in the form of another auror. Granted it wasn't one he would socialise with - honestly the Ministry let anybody in these days - but he was an auror nevertheless so he warranted a bow.
Acting fast Enoch attempted to confound the other man.
RE: Enoch Rosier vs. Hudson Woodcroft - Hudson Woodcroft - February 25, 2019
Enoch Roiser. There was no love lost between the two aurors, hadn’t been since their school days when Hudson had been a year behind Roiser in their house. He was one of those aurors who had decided he wanted to work instead of enjoy his cushy life of wealth, not someone who had to work to simply survive.
At least he would prove to be someone worth dueling, Hudson thought as he readied himself. After the obligatory bow (Roiser looked rather sour at that particular piece of decorum) Hudson cast revulsion jinx hoping to knock Roiser back and in the process drop his wand.
RE: Enoch Rosier vs. Hudson Woodcroft - Nikolai Sleptov - March 2, 2019
"First point to Mr. Rosier," Nik announced. "Mr. Woodcroft shall begin the next round."