Weren't You Dead? - Printable Version

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Weren't You Dead? - James MacFusty - August 2, 2018

July 2nd, 1888


So.. I just got back to the MacFusty house and hear a rumor you were seen? Aren't you dead?

Care to explain?


RE: Weren't You Dead? - Watson Devereaux - August 2, 2018

J. MacFusty,
July 4th
I suppose that the short answer is 'no,' and the long answer is that I owe you an explanation. I was in Canada. I knew that everyone thought I was dead - specifically I had located the obituary - and so I stayed in Canada. Now I am... obviously not in Canada, and everyone knows I am alive again, or, rather, they will sooner or later.

RE: Weren't You Dead? - James MacFusty - August 2, 2018

July 6th, 1888


I'm not sure whether to laugh or to be angry..

How long have you been back? How long do you plan to stay? And where is it you are exactly?

If you're not stuck in Hogsmeade with the fog, I'm sure I could see my way to London. We could chat over a pint.. or two.


RE: Weren't You Dead? - Watson Devereaux - August 2, 2018

J. MacFusty,
July 8th
I've been back since mid-May, but was not really back until June 21st. I suppose that's part of the long answer. I suppose I'm staying, I'm at my parents' house, in London, so pints here would be great.

I can go to Diagon, but you'll have to let me in; as you may or may not recall, they buried my wand in the coffin.

RE: Weren't You Dead? - James MacFusty - August 2, 2018

July 10th, 1888


I could probably get to London this weekend.

There's a pub called the Augurey Beak Cafe. Can't miss it.
