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Cough Syrup - Tristan Michaud - July 27, 2018

June 30th, 1888
It's my birthday today, what do you think about that? Are you even still alive? I don't know where you live. For all I know you are lying somewhere dead in that fog. Do I care? Maybe. But do you care that I might care? Probably not. I don't think I am making sense.

Please don't be dead.

I like making you cranky too much. It would be no fun if you're dead.


RE: Cough Syrup - Ernie Nuffer - July 27, 2018

July 2nd, 1888
What in Merlin's name are you going on about? I'm very much alive and currently trying not to let the Daily Prophet offices burn to the ground. In London. Not Hogsmeade. You're right: you make absolutely no sense.
- Nuffer

RE: Cough Syrup - Tristan Michaud - August 24, 2018

July 4th, 1888
I have no clue what you are on about. I don't recall writing you.

And goodness. The Daily Prophet is relying solely on you? Merlin help us all, will we be getting news articles about how horrid rich people are?

I'm glad you're alive. And have told me where you work so I can have the option of coming to harass you should I feel the need.


RE: Cough Syrup - Ernie Nuffer - August 25, 2018

July 7th, 1888
The only logical conclusion is that you were drunk. Is that what you do while under the influence? Think about me, even after all these months? I guess I should be flattered.

Fortunately I'm not in charge - not yet, anyways. (And I wouldn't write about horrid rich people. Maybe French people who like being assholes but who still drunk-owl people they've ignored for months.)

Harass me at your own risk. We have a handful of reporters with the temperaments of angry trolls.
- Nuffer

RE: Cough Syrup - Tristan Michaud - August 27, 2018

July 8th, 1888
I often am. And you should be, considering the people I could be thinking of. I think I probably went to wandering if you lived in Hogsmeade or not.

Do you now? Sounds like you found your kindred spirits. How wonderful for you.


RE: Cough Syrup - Ernie Nuffer - August 27, 2018

July 11th, 1888
I don't know why you would think of me. You made it clear the last time we spoke that you were done dealing with me. Or whatever. It doesn't really matter, though: I'm not going to be harassed through letters.

- Nuffer

RE: Cough Syrup - Tristan Michaud - August 27, 2018

July 14th, 1888
Maybe I decided that I was not done dealing with you.

If you want to see me, all you had to do was ask. Got it though: come harass you in person. You can be expecting me. I don't know when but you can.
