Good News, I Guess - Printable Version

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Good News, I Guess - Desdemona Pettigrew - July 10, 2018

12th June, 1888


I write to yo with the news you and the rest of our family have no doubt been awaiting: Mr. Pettigrew and I are presently expecting our first child together. The midwife tells me the arrival is to be expected sometime during the winter months. We are quite surprised at what is surely joyous news, and I hope you won't be cross with me for keeping it quiet for so long.


RE: Good News, I Guess - Cordelia Porter - July 10, 2018

14 June, 1888

Words on parchment simply cannot express the delight I feel at hearing such news! I'm sure your child will make fast friends with Isadora as they grow older; they will be but one year apart in school!

If you need anything — whether as a healer or your sister — I will be here for you.

Sending my love,

RE: Good News, I Guess - Desdemona Pettigrew - July 13, 2018

16th June, 1888


Your kind words are received with gratitude. I should make note—I have not yet informed mother, and hope that you have not inadvertently brought it up. She has always been the sort to prefer news in person, and I cannot imagine the earful that I shall receive if she has already learned of it.


RE: Good News, I Guess - Cordelia Porter - July 28, 2018

19 June, 1888

Of course I have not told mother; it is not my place to do so. Besides, I've hardly had time to speak with her about anything. We're short-staffed at the moment; one of our healers was sent to Hogsmeade Hospital to handle fog-related matters, and there always seems to be more injuries during the summer months.

Has Mr. Pettigrew taken the news well?

Sending my love,