When Boredom and Loneliness Strikes - Printable Version

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When Boredom and Loneliness Strikes - Ligeia Baudelaire - July 4, 2018

3rd July, 1888
Dear Mr. Scrimgeour,
How have you been? I hope things are better in Wales – at least for your sister and mother. I heard that your department is on high alert. That must be difficult on you Mr. Scrimgeour. I hope you are not tiring yourself out.

As for me, being stuck in the fog is hardly any fun especially when I have been banned from dwelling outside. My parents fear that I might end up in a carriage accident like Mrs. Whitledge. Might I ask you for suggestions to what I can do to entertain myself? I felt as though I have read every single collection in our library. Sketching is out of the question too – as there isn’t anything to draw except for well the fog.

— Miss Ligeia Baudelaire —

Julius Scrimgeour

RE: When Boredom and Loneliness Strikes - Julius Scrimgeour II - July 4, 2018

03 July, 1888
— Miss Baudelaire —

I do believe them to be better. Being out of the spotlight has done them well and this fog has done wonders to make the public forget all about our family drama - though that will change as soon as the trial is held. I actually haven't yet been to Wales with them but to see them safely there.
While the fog has distracted the masses it has me as well. Work has kept me day and night even though we haven't found a thing. It might leave me tired, but it is better than what I'd be doing without.
While it might cause undue boredom, it is better be safe in this fog. We've had too many accidents reported and I'd rather not come into work tomorrow and hear of your death as well. If you'd like anything, do feel free to write to me to ask. As I am in London, I can fetch it and have it brought to you. I can send books from our collection as well and if you enjoy reading, you might enjoy writing? Maybe you could take to writing short stories or a long one as well. Or you could sketch faces and places and compare them when the fog withdraws to test your memory?
— Mr Julius Scrimgeour —

RE: When Boredom and Loneliness Strikes - Ligeia Baudelaire - August 5, 2018

4th July, 1888
Mr. Scrimgeour,
Please remeber to take care of yourself. I know that your duty comes first but it would be difficult to work if you catch an illness.

You don't have to worry about my safety as I have no plans on going out especially when I heard our servants whisper about vampires lurking in Wellingtonshire. That is enough to keep me inside.

Thank you for your suggestions. I'll be happy to send you my drawings once inspiration stikes me. What kinds of books do you read? Mine usually consist of textbook on transfiguration to gelp with my studies and the occasional mystery and adventure novels. Of course I'm open to reading any kind of book. I would appreciate a recommendation from your collection if it is not too much to ask, reading and replying to my letters already takes up some of your precious time.

— Miss Ligeia Baudelaire —