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People Do Tend To Die While I'm Away - J. Alfred Darrow - July 4, 2018
27 June, 1888
Uncle H,
We arrived in London this morning, as you may have heard, and I became acquainted with the peculiar situation in Hogsmeade this afternoon when I had a chance to review some of the recent Prophet articles. No one has suggested that there is any imminent danger, but I hope you (and my cousins) are all well and safe?
J. Alfred Darrow
RE: People Do Tend To Die While I'm Away - Hamish Darrow - July 11, 2018
29th June, 1888
I am happy to hear you've returned safely to our shores! I confess, while I did not wish to harp at you before your journey, I was apprehensive to see you go again after you seemingly "died" for all those years. You will, I hope, forgive an old man his nerves.
It seems that I will soon be off on an adventure into uncertainty of my own. I trust by now you'll have heard of the fog that mires Hogsmeade and Irvingly, and brings with it a distinct lack of magic. What you may not have heard is that the Ministry has been recruiting members of the public to help find its cause and put things to rights. Thinking it's been far too long since I last went out into the wilds, I signed myself up. If nothing else, it will be good for the joints to get out for a bit of a trek.
Your cousins are well, though Maggie is quite bereft for the lack of quidditch at the moment. Ramsay and Mercutio are rather out of sorts without magic to aid them in their professions, though the youngsters are taking things in stride. Tessie brings home what snippets of news she can from the Minister's home, though I gather he has been in the office more than he hasn't of late, and quite rightly so.
Uncle Hamish
RE: People Do Tend To Die While I'm Away - J. Alfred Darrow - August 10, 2018
1 July, 1888
Uncle H,
I hope you can see the hypocrisy of fretting over my going underway and then embarking on your own expedition into, as you put it, 'the wilds.' I had read that the voyage is only to Irvingly — though I hope you will take care all the same, even if it seems unlikely you might find yourself falling victim to a dragon in such a setting.
Perhaps when you return (assuming the fog is lifted) we might be able to share a few pints before the school year starts. You will have to accumulate your share of stories from this fog trip and I can barter them against my stories from the North Sea and we can see who had the more interesting adventure.
J. Alfred Darrow
RE: People Do Tend To Die While I'm Away - Hamish Darrow - August 15, 2018
2nd August, 1888
I am home and decidedly not dead, though I feel as though I might be. Old bones such as mine are not, it seems, cut out for the adventurer’s game. I think I shall leave that to your generation, moving forward—I know Oona will thank me for it!
It shall please me indeed to take you up upon your offer. Simply name the date and the location, and I am most assuredly your man.
Uncle Hamish
RE: People Do Tend To Die While I'm Away - J. Alfred Darrow - August 16, 2018
4 August, 1888
Uncle H,
Glad indeed to hear that you have survived your excursion! We've just been contracted by the Ministry to sail to Egypt — to deliver the gemstone that, from what I hear, you were responsible for finding — and so I shan't be at leisure for another two weeks at least, but as long as you aren't planning on going back to Hogwarts early I think we could still fit our drinks in. We ought to be back in London on August 22nd, but perhaps to be on the safe side we could plan to meet at the Broomsticks on the 27th?