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Summons - Gervaise Ollivander - July 1, 2018

July 2nd, 1888

Miss Reid,

I had the premiere first year of the season today. I can only imagine business will pick up from here, especially with my brother's shop inaccessible and largely useless, if magic cannot be performed within Hogsmeade's borders. Your exile in Irvingly, though I recognize as not your fault, is therefore altogether inconvenient.

With your consent, I shall place some pressure upon the Ministry of Magic to have you transported to London. Accommodation can be found for you either in the shop, at The Leaky Cauldron, or with a cousin of mine and her family—whichever would be least objectionable to you and your family. They cannot rightly decline, I do not think, not when their own employees take the train in and out with frequency anyways.


G. Ollivander

RE: Summons - Temerita Reid - July 4, 2018

July 2nd, 1888
Dear Mr. Ollivander,
Your letter could not be more welcome!  If you had not heard - the latest horror from the fog is locusts, if you can believe that.  They are everywhere, eating everything, and horrible in every sense of the word.  I wish I could accept without pause however I must ask one thing - that you request a place on the train for my mother as well.

My brother is away for work and with the way things are going I couldn't possibly leave her alone.  Not to be an alarmist but...        There is some concern that...  Anything you could do in that regard would be deeply appreciated.  Obviously we would provide our own accommodations considering it would be one more person than you anticipated.  
T. Reid

RE: Summons - Gervaise Ollivander - July 4, 2018

July 4th, 1888

Miss Reid

I have contacted the Department of Magical Transportation regarding passage for you and your mother. I will keep you appraised of any news, but do be advised that you may need to travel with little warning.

With hope that I shall soon see you,

G. Ollivander

RE: Summons - Temerita Reid - July 8, 2018

July 5th, 1888
Mr. Ollivander,
We are quite ready and await word.

With hope that we did not pack our bags in vain,
T. Reid

RE: Summons - Gervaise Ollivander - July 10, 2018

July 6th, 1888

Miss Reid

The news is good. I shall see you within the week.

G. Ollivander