I'm sorry to hear for you loss. I now it’s a difficult time but getting drunk won’t help. Please think of your sisters, they are worried about you. I’m worried. I’ve heard you are staying in London. I could easily floo to your home for a visit. I’m willing to listen to your problems. Or if you prefer, write to me.
I don't know what everyone wants me to do. I'm eighteen, I'm not prepared to deal with a house of bustling adolescent girls, no matter if they're my sisters or not. I thought quidditch might provide distraction, but they've gone and suspended the league due to the fog.
My floo is always open if you desire to visit.
Handsome Whitledge
RE: Out of Friendship and Concern - Katherine Midford - June 27, 2018
27th June, 1888
Mr. Whitledge,
I think no one will be prepared to be a guardian at our age nor is anyone expecting you to be prepared. Especially when no one had seen it coming. But everyone expects you to be responsible for your action. As they say, experience is the best teacher.