June 20, 1888
Lissy and Cat,
I'm not sure if the news has reached you yet of the troll attack on Quincey's shop. I am alright, I did receive a few injuries but they have sent me out of Hogsmeade for healing. I have given Quincey access to my home for now, please do look in on him for me. I shall be back soon, no need to fret. Please just be careful with this fog. It may be best to remain at home until the ministry has figured it out.
You idiot. Why in Merlin's beard would you write to tell us you were injured by a bloody troll but not actually tell us how badly injured you are! You better come home in one piece.
And don't worry about Qui Mr. Honeyduke. We'll see to it he is well taken care of.
June 20, 1888Lissy,
The injuries are nothing the healers can't heal. There is nothing to worry about. They only sent us so that magic could be used. Everything should be back to normal this time tomorrow, troll or no.
Thank you for looking out for Quincey, I shall rest easier knowing he is in capable hands.
RE: Don't Worry I Only Took On A Troll - Felicity Adlard - June 28, 2018
June 21st, 1888Percy,
You're still an idiot and I'm sure you're not telling me everything. You might want to think about that cause if I find out otherwise, you won't like me much.
Mrs. Blair and I made some things for Mr. Honeyduke even if I'm sure Ana would have. He seemed to be alright but I wouldn't be surprised if he's still simply in shock.
When will you be home? Do you know yet?Lissy
RE: Don't Worry I Only Took On A Troll - Percival Adlard - July 3, 2018
June 22, 1888
I assure you I am quite alright given the circumstances. I am sure by now you have heard a much exaggerated story of what has happened. Rest assured that I am alive and well and in much better shape than some of the others. The healers are still mending me as my leg mainly saw most of the damage. They assure me that I should be good to go by tomorrow. I shall return home promptly to stop your worrying and to give you an account of everything that happened. I hope you will find my recounting enough to quell your vexation at me for not being forthcoming with my injuries.
Thank you for looking in on him. It would not surprise me if he were in shock as the whole ordeal is truly terrible.