Sorting Details
Business Name: The London Athenaeum
Public Facing Owner: Alistair Blackthorn
Real Owners: Marion Flourish &
Evangeline Rowle
Contact Player: Lady & Steph
Hiring: No
Threadable: Yes
Basic Information
Established: 1890
Location: Magical London
Nature of Business:On the surface, The London Athenaeum is a modest library where patrons can check out texts containing moderate to liberal ideologies. Underneath, however, the Athenaeum houses a wide range of erotic texts; also known as The Olympian Archives or, if being oblique, simply 'The Archives' ranging from informational to educational to fictional.
Target Clientele:Any clientele who would enjoy the range of texts as described above.
Other Details
Description of Location: Optional. Delete if not including.
Checking Out from The Archives: One can only check out a book from The Olympian Archives if they are referred to it by a friend. Clientele wishing to check out texts of the - ahem - erotic persuasion, must first sign a magically binding contract. If broken, the perpetrator's face will break out in painful, pus-filled pimples that spell out the word "PHALLUS".
The Books: Each book from The Archives is cloth-bound and has a single red ribbon as a bookmark. To the public, and even to others who know about The Archives, the books appear innocent and like any other book from any other library. The specific erotic texts are only activated by the user saying a password which is given to them upon checkout.