Watching from the stands - Student Duels 1895 - Printable Version

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Watching from the stands - Student Duels 1895 - Antelope Grace - February 9, 2025

February 8th, 1894 - Hogwarts Great Hall

A little place for people to establish little vignettes of how they leave their duels once finished, who they are cheering for in the duels and the like.

Antelope was disappointed to have been defeated of course, but the fact that it was someone as talented as Anne Moony, well that did soften the blow a little bit. She walked off, fixing her hair that had been dried by Miss Prewett. She looked around for Corinne Dursley. Her best friend was still in the competition so the Hufflepuff would root for her most vigoursly. "Thank you for the duel Anne, if Cori doesn't win, I hope it's you."

RE: Watching from the stands - Student Duels 1895 - Leonard Blank - February 10, 2025

Leonard sat very morosely in the stands. He had fallen asleep in the library and missed his duel. What a shameful way to take a loss, without even competing. He ran into the hall, but the look Headmaster Phineas Black shot in his direction when he approached the jury to ask if he could still compete withered him into a shrunken little dwarf version of himself, and he did not manage to recover from this so far. So he sank down on one of the benches at the side and tried not to look as defeated as he felt.

RE: Watching from the stands - Student Duels 1895 - Anne Moony - February 12, 2025

Fresh off her victory, Anne came crashing into the stands to visit her friends while she waited for her next duel. "Oy, Grace, I thought you were going to choke on those slugs." Anne made a retching face before throwing her arms around the Hufflepuff in a hug. "Nah, you almost had me there. I'm going to have to keep an eye on you." Anne wiggled herself into a spot between Antelope and Mr. Blank. Blank seemed to be having the opposite of her day. "Why weren't you up there?" Anne questioned her fellow Slytherin. Considering he was one of the few housemates she generally tolerated, it seemed silly not to ask.

Anne's attention snapped to Millie's duel as soon as she was announced. Anne was ecstatic that her best friend survived the first round. Hopefully, this would give Millie some of the confidence she so desperately needed. Anne and Millie had been practicing, all the girl needed was to trust her own power. When Jimmy missed and Millie shrank the obnoxious boy, Anne was on her feet, cheering loudly. "You have him, Mills. Just once more! Send that grindylow back to the lake where he belongs!"

RE: Watching from the stands - Student Duels 1895 - Antelope Grace - February 26, 2025

Antelope laughed and embraced the hug from the victorious Slytherin girl. "They were actually quite delightful, I would recommend to a friend." she made a mock retching face herself too she, they were horrible, but she couldn't be sour faced about a spell that she had herself cast, backfiring on to her. "I believe Mr Blank had an absolutely vital errand to run that might just have saved the school from impending disaster." she added with a smile.

The next round was fun to watch and then it was time for Anne to return to the fray to face off against Miss Bythesea from Gryffindor. "Good luck!" she wished to the Slytherin seeker before continuing to chat to Mr. Blank and those around her.

Anne Moony Leonard Blank

RE: Watching from the stands - Student Duels 1895 - Anne Moony - March 1, 2025

Anne went ballistic when Millie was announced the winner of her duel. Jimmy Fletcher would be so angry, which was half the joy, but supporting her friend was the priority. Anne whooped like she'd won the Quidditch Cup, her applauding not a polite, ladylike clap. "Yes, Millie! You destroyed him!" Anne was still bouncing when her name was called for the semi-finals. With a grin, and a crack of her knuckles, Anne gave Blank and Antelope a wink before climbing out of the stands. "Off to ruin a Gryffindor's day! Be back soon." And Anne nearly jogged to the stage to do just that.