Not Emusing - Printable Version

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Not Emusing - Sydney Podmore - January 20, 2025

January 29th, 1895 - Zoo Birthday Celebration

Ten years. A whole decade. Syd hadn't been here the whole time. This had been Zach's endeavor and Syd had only picked it up in the meantime, five years ago now. It felt as much his as it could at this point. He had to wonder if his cousin would come back, but Syd supposed it didn't exactly matter. Zach was still involved, he often wrote to check in and he sent creatures and magizoologists at regular intervals as he encountered them along his travels.

It was a celebration though and so Syd, not really one for such events, knew the importance of being social. It was good for business. They couldn't survive solely on admission prices. They needed the generous donations of their wealthier patrons to keep them afloat, especially as they expanded. The butterfly enclosure had only been able to happen this way and it was doing well, so he wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Dressed for the outside temperatures, the daytime events were winding down and Syd still had to help close up and get ready for the evening portion of the celebration. That would be the true test of his manners today. All of this would have been fine, until Syd noticed their solitary, very stupid emu hauling ass his way. "Stephen!" Syd hollered, moving to block the large bird's path. Unfortunately somebody else either hadn't seen him or had moved to see what was going on, and all Syd could see was a collision happening. "Look out!"

Open to 1-3 others, join my chaos!

RE: Not Emusing - Dorothea Potts - January 27, 2025

It had been a lovely day at the zoo meeting with a friend she hadn't seen since her wedding, she looked lovely and Dorothea had a suspicion that it would be only weeks before they announced their first child. Thea was made up for the loving couple of course and waited with held breath for the news. The evening was winding down and the governess was undecided whether she might attend the evening celebrations or she might just retire home and get an early night.


How uncouth she laughed to herself playfully as she turned to see who might be raising their voice on such a lovely chilly evening. She stepped out onto the path looked down the way at the gentleman who seemed braced like a rugby player about to take a takle, what she didnt notice was the bird the size of a six year old that she had inadvertently placed herself in front of. She barely had seconds to play "Who's that?" Before the bird careened into the back of her legs and she was sent tumbling off the path down a short slope that helped the path drain. She was certain she heard a snap as she crashed into the ground and felt a horrible pain in her left wrist. She looked back up with her hair tussled, her dress askew and her bag spilt as the emu cocked its head once and carried on its warpath without so much as how do you do?.

Thea sat herself up thinking that at least her own right wing was still working, but her left was quite clearly injured.

Sydney Podmore

RE: Not Emusing - Kentigern MacFusty - February 2, 2025

Tiger had always been on the friendly side of the Podmores so he was more than glad to attend a celebration for the zoo. He could hardly believe it had been ten years already. It had been a fun day and things seemed to be winding down. He knew the evening soiree was going to be more selective so perhaps it would be more relaxed? Not that Tiger was unused to rowdy - he had been raised in it.

He saw Podmore just as he tried unsuccessfully to save a young woman from the emu. He darted over and knelt next to the young woman. A broken arm, if he had to guess. "Do you have the emu handled, Mister Podmore?" He asked as he wandlessly magicked up a splint to for the young womans arm. Hopefully others would come to help corral the runaway emu.

RE: Not Emusing - Sydney Podmore - February 2, 2025

Despite the emu's speed and force, Syd watched everything happen in slow motion. The poor woman was absolutely bulled over by the bird, though thankfully he didn't weight all that much, and went tumbling into the bushes. Syd caught the nuisance by his neck, using his sturdier build to his advantage; along with the knowledge that the lower he wrangled Stephen, the higher his rate of success. Still he was pushed back a little bit.

Syd eyed the emu straight, as they were almost the same height. "Brat," he mumbled to the bird who was squirming in his grasp. Syd conjured a length of rope and tied it around the emu's neck, harnessing it to the nearest fencepost. He flagged down Miss Bixby as she was the closest one he could envision being capable of handling the emu. Her small stature was hardly ever a consideration, she had proved herself capable of handling quite a bit. "Put him back in his pen if you please." His tone was clipped, but mostly because he was worried about the young lady Stephen had run over.

He heard someone call out to him before he could get to the woman and he sprinted in that direction, relieved to find someone else had gotten there first. "MacFusty, yes, he's being put to bed." Syd was going to have to check his pen to see how he got out. "Come, let's go to my office," it wasn't too far from here. "I can take a look at it." Having that healer's background was an advantage after all.

RE: Not Emusing - Dorothea Potts - February 3, 2025

Dorothea continued to nurse her wrist as an unconscionably tall gentleman knelt down and gave her a very quick once over before casting a splinting spell on her. She winced as the bindings took over and tried to flex her fingers. "Thank you, sir." she said through a pained expression on her face as the man who she now realised was Mr Podmore himself joined them after scolding the bird in a manner that at least brought her a little laugh. "Kids huh!" she with a minor eye roll before remembering her discomfort.

The miscreant bird was led away and Dorothea was helped to her feet with the charming gentlemen (I assume) picking up her scattered belongings for her. If she was to guess, she would assume her wrist was broken so she gingerly allowed herself to be led to the Podmore's office. "The bird won't be punished will he? It was awfully careless of me to not look where I was going." always trying to be polite, Thea even as the injured person would prefer not to be a bother to anyone. There was now a few people watching the trio and she would rather be into a more private space as soon as possible.

Kentigern MacFusty Sydney Podmore

RE: Not Emusing - Sydney Podmore - February 17, 2025

Syd led the way to his office with a brisk efficiency that harkened back to his hospital days, though he moved at a more reasonable pace than he used to. Thankfully his office was not quite as messy as it could be, but his desk was covered in papers and other things he'd been working on here and there throughout the week. "Oh no, he'll just be locked up better. His pen is perfectly large enough for him, he just likes to wander and he's a bit stubborn." Syd assured her with a chuckle.

Gesturing for the young woman to take a seat in one of the chairs at the front of his desk, he rummaged under it for his old healer's bag. He kept it handy for emergencies. It was a hard habit to kill, wanting to be prepared, when he had personally seen some of the damage that creatures could inflict on humans, and probably not a bad thing in the long run. Not many zoos had a former creature-induced healer running the place. Once he surfaced with the bag, Syd snapped easily back into his old profession, even if this wasn't exactly something he would have normally handled, it was something he'd seen and treated countless times. "Is it just your wrist, or anywhere else?"